


I'm creating a tiny C# application, which currently consists of a core assembly and a winforms assembly. I realize I probably don't really need Ninject in a small thing like this, but I would like to try it out.


Anyways, to work with Ninject I have understood that you would write a set of modules, which maps class is returned and so on. After that you would create an instance of IKernel and load your modules into that.


But, where do I keep those modules? And where do I keep the kernel? Where do stuff go?



+1'd Marek's answer - definitely look through those resources.



You're definitely right to try this, even in a small app. Its also important to think hard about superficially simple questions like the one you posed. For DI, you really do have to actually do some work with it to really appreciate it - I for one was in the "Oh, I've only got a small app" (denial) camp for a long time until I actually used it.

有一种流派,尽管一般来说应该绕开Service Locator并只进行注入(不依赖容器).

There's a school of though that one in general should be steering away from Service Locator and just having injection [without any dependencies on a container].


If you dont use Service Locators, nobody needs to know where the Container (Kernel) is, which is the best thing.


Modules are mainly for the purposes of compartmentalising batches of things to register in a particular overall Container (Kernel).

肯定有Ninject的规范"Global Container" Singleton实现吗?刚发现一个:- http://www.codethinked.com /为注射创建一个绑定工厂

Surely there's a canonical 'Global Container' Singleton implementation out there for Ninject? Just found one:- http://www.codethinked.com/creating-a-binding-factory-for-ninject

另请参见 Ninject:我该怎么办注入类库吗?


09-05 21:25