

是否存在有关Codename One的WebRTC支持的信息,更新或文档?几个月前,在有关Stack Overflow的评论中提到了它( AntMedia本机接口问题),但随后我什么也没听到.

Is there any information, updates, or documentation regarding Codename One's WebRTC support? There was a mention of it months ago in this comment on Stack Overflow (AntMedia Native Interface issues), but then I haven't heard anything more about it.

目前,我正在通过可与RMTP进行实时流传输的本机接口支持AntMedia上的实时流传输,因为我自己找不到能以Codename One支持WebRTC的方法.不幸的是,我今天才意识到Android上的RMTP支持不再起作用(我不知道为什么,在过去的几个月中它起作用了)...无论如何,我一直将RMTP视为一种临时解决方法,也许这个麻烦是切换到WebRTC的好机会.

For the time being, I'm supporting live streaming on AntMedia via native interfaces that do live streaming with RMTP, as on my own I couldn't find a way to support WebRTC in Codename One. Unfortunately I realized just today that the RMTP support on Android doesn't work anymore (I don't know why, in the past months it worked)... anyway I've always considered RMTP as a temporary workaround, maybe this trouble is a good opportunity to switch to WebRTC.

我已经看到Steve悄悄地创建了这个cn1lib,它尚未宣布(也许是因为工作尚未完成?),也没有出现在可通过Codename One的控制中心安装的扩展中: https://github.com/shannah/CN1WebRTC

I've seen that Steve has quietly created this cn1lib, which has not been announced (maybe because the work is not yet finished?) nor is it present among the extensions that can be installed via Codename One's Control Center:https://github.com/shannah/CN1WebRTC

我在这里找到了文档: https://shannah.github.io/CN1WebRTC/javadoc/但是将此javadoc与AntMedia提供的文档进行比较,我只是不了解我该怎么做,因为AntMedia提供了自己的Android和iOS SDK,提供了使用它们的文档,但是我不知道如何在其中使用他们的位置是史蒂夫(Steve)制造的cn1lib.显然,移植他们的SDK并不容易,否则我将已经把它作为第一个选择.无论如何,如果我理解正确的话,AntMedia服务器应该独立于所使用的SDK,因为它应该使用标准协议.

I found the documentation here:https://shannah.github.io/CN1WebRTC/javadoc/but comparing this javadoc with the documentation provided by AntMedia I just don't understand what I have to do, as AntMedia provides its own SDKs for Android and iOS, provides documentation to use them, but I don't understand how I can use in their place the cn1lib made by Steve. Obviously porting their SDKs is not easy, otherwise I would have already done it as the first option. In any case, the AntMedia server should be independent from the SDKs used, as it should use standard protocols, if I understand correctly.

具体地说,我有一台运行AntMedia Enterprise Edition 2.1.0的服务器,有关WebRTC支持的文档在这里: https://github.com/ant-media/Ant-Media-Server/Wiki

Specifically, I have a server running AntMedia Enterprise Edition 2.1.0, whose documentation on WebRTC support is here:https://github.com/ant-media/Ant-Media-Server/wiki



我还没有使用过AntMedia Server,所以我的以下评论基于10分钟浏览其文档的结果.

I haven't used AntMedia Server, so my following comment is based on 10 minutes looking through their documentation.

看起来他们提供了自己的API,与标准的WebRTC API不同.代号One WebRTC库建立在标准WebRTC API上.我认为,如果要使用AntMediaServer的API,最好的方法是为其创建本机接口包装.

It looks like they provide their own API that is distinct from the standard WebRTC APIs. The Codename One WebRTC lib is built on the standard WebRTC APIs. I think that the best route, if you want to use AntMediaServer's APIs is to create native interface wrappers for it.

也有可能,您可以使用Ant Media Server,然后使用标准的WebRTC API进行连接.如果是这种情况,那么您将可以将cn1lib与它一起使用.但是,他们的文档似乎仅显示了如何为客户端使用其自定义API.

It is also possible and likely that you can just use the Ant Media Server and then use the standard WebRTC API to connect to it. If this is the case, then you would be able to use the cn1lib with it. However, their documentation only seems to show how to use their custom API for the client.


10-16 03:25