

我想构建一个增强现实应用程序.我当时想在这里 http://www.wikitude.com/developer 使用类似Wikitude SDK的东西,或者使用此JavaScript库 https://github.com/mtschirs/js-objectdetect js-objectdetect其中但是,我希望它依赖于webRTC支持,使用现代浏览器当然可以,但是我不确定PhoneGap是否也支持它.此外,如果有人知道我如何将3d模型叠加在一个对象上,那就太好了.我不知道将3D模型与这些增强现实解决方案配合使用需要使用哪种文件格式.

I want to build an augmented reality app. I was thinking of using something like the Wikitude SDK here http://www.wikitude.com/developer or using this javascript library https://github.com/mtschirs/js-objectdetect js-objectdetect which I would prefer however, it relies on webRTC support which of course is fine using a modern browser but I'm not quite sure if PhoneGap also supports it. In addition, if anyone knows how I can superimpose my 3d models over an object, that'd be great. I don't know what file format my 3d models need to be in to be used with these augmented reality solutions.


WebRTC规范已完成.您可以查看规范草案的当前支持矩阵. Firefox,Chrome和Opera的最新版本支持当前的实现.

As techfoobar said, WebRTC support is determined at the browser level.
The WebRTC specification is far for finished. You can check the current support matrix of the draft specification. Recent versions of Firefox, Chrome and Opera supports the current implementation.

所有移动浏览器都不会很快支持它.到目前为止,它可以在带有Chrome的Android上运行,但在Windows IE上仍然不存在.
您唯一希望的是一个 phonegap插件,它可以模拟WebRTC界面.

All Mobile browsers won't support it very soon. By now it works on Android with Chrome, but it's still missing on Windows IE.
The only thing you can hope for is a phonegap plugin which simulates the WebRTC interface.


10-13 16:43