

我想知道Spring框架的 HttpSessionMutexListener 监听器在今天的应用程序服务器/ Web容器中是否仍然相关(比如2.5+ servlet规范服务器,如Tomcat 6或Tomcat 7)用于在集群环境(即在不同的JVM中)之间锁定会话对象,或者它们只解决2.3(或以前)servlet规范容器的集群环境中的并发问题,现在是不必要的?

I'd like to know if the Spring framework's HttpSessionMutexListener listener is still relevant in today's application servers/web containers (say 2.5+ servlet spec servers like Tomcat 6 or Tomcat 7) for locking the session object in clustered environments (ie. among different JVMs), or do they only resolve the concurrency issue in clustered environments for 2.3 (or previous) servlet spec containers and now it is unnecessary?


我认为你授予Spring的会话互斥更多的权力,比它应得的。它只是一个存储在公共名称 WebUtils.SESSION_MUTEX_ATTRIBUTE 下的会话属性,用于同步语句。我不太确定如何可以用于锁定会话对象在集群环境。这里是Spring自己的代码的使用代码片段:

I think you're granting more power to Spring's session mutex than it deserves. It's simply a session attribute stored under a public name, WebUtils.SESSION_MUTEX_ATTRIBUTE, that's intended to be used in the expression for the synchronized statement. I'm not really sure how it could be used for "locking the session object in clustered environments". Here's a usage snippet from Spring's own code:

HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
    Object mutex = WebUtils.getSessionMutex(session);
    synchronized (mutex) {
        return handleRequestInternal(request, response);


A reference to the mutex object in one JVM will not be available to another JVM, so acquiring its lock will not have any impact on code running in another JVM. However, the servlet spec does contain the following:


This requirement has been around since at least 2.3 and may cause a distributed app to behave as if the Spring mutex were doing something when, in fact, it's the container that is forcing requests to be handled by one JVM at time.


As an aside, this reminds me of a post I made to concurrency-interest a few years back that refers to Spring's session mutex:



Assume that JVM-1 and JVM-2 make up two nodes in a cluster. Also assume that request-1 and request-2 participate in the same session. If request-1 is being handled in JVM-1, then request-2 cannot be handled in JVM-2 until request-1 has completed. However, request-2 can be handled concurrently by JVM-1.


For the case where the requests are handled in different JVMs, the implication is that any session changes caused by the first request (JVM-1) will be visible to the second request (JVM-2).


10-29 06:52