


I've been trying to understand JVM escape analyis recently. I tried a lot of combination of the JVM options according to this nice answer. My question is that is there any hard limit on thoses option values? Like FreqInlineSize, MaxInlineLevel. JVM wouldn't take it seriously when I set the options to some ridiculous value, like -XX:FreqInlineSize=65535 will it? Actually, I tried that. But jvm didn't complain about it. So I really cannot tell.


If there is some hard limit, what would that be? Where can I find the documents that describes such things?


I've been trying to find a way to force my Protobuf message and builder objects to be allocated on stack instead of on heap. Sometimes it works. But when the number of fields of the message object grows, it stopped working. I searched a lot on the internet but with little findings due to my limited understanding on the subject. So That why I am asking.

JVM版本:Java HotSpot(TM)64位服务器VM(内部版本25.131-b11,混合模式)

JVM version:Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)


  • 您提到的选项控制内联,而不是转义分析.
  • 这些值没有硬性限制,或更确切地说,限制是INT_MAX.
  • 但是,实际上,内联和其他优化受到其他限制的约束,例如NodeCountInliningCutoff(不可调整),MaxNodeLimitNodeLimitFudgeFactor等.
  • 除了在源代码.
    • The options you mention control inlining, not the escape analysis.
    • There is no hard limit one these values, or, more precisely, the limit is INT_MAX.
    • In practice, however, inlining and other optimizations are bounded by other limits such as NodeCountInliningCutoff (not tunable), MaxNodeLimit, NodeLimitFudgeFactor etc.
    • I doubt you'll find much documentation on these things other than in source code.
    • 这篇关于JVM标志是否有硬性限制来控制转义分析?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-22 23:37