本文介绍了64 位 JVM 上对象引用的内存要求的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


对 32 位 JVM(至少在 Hotspot 上)上的对象的引用占用 4 个字节.

A reference to an Object on a 32 bit JVM (at least on Hotspot) takes up 4 bytes.

64 位 Hotspot JVM 需要 8 个字节吗?还是正在进行一些巧妙的压缩?如果不是,每个 Object[] 将需要两倍的堆内存,我认为(希望,期望)不是这种情况.

Does the 64 bit Hotspot JVM need 8 bytes? Or is some clever compression going on?If not, every Object[] would require twice as much heap memory, which I somehow think (hope, expect) is not the case.


Update/extra question: Does this really matter, or is this a negligible increase, because most references point to objects that are much larger than a few bytes (whereas one might argue that those objects are in turn mostly comprised of references to other objects)?


在 64 位系统中,对象引用通常为 8 字节长.但是在 Sun/Oracle 最近的 JVM 中,您可以启用 压缩的 Oops,以较小的堆大小限制为代价将引用大小减少到 4 个字节.

In a 64-bit system, object references are typically 8-byte long. But in recent JVMs from Sun/Oracle you can enable Compressed Oops, which reduce reference size to 4 bytes at the cost of a smaller limit on heap size.

这篇关于64 位 JVM 上对象引用的内存要求的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-21 13:53