


I am using Ghost4J Native library 32bit and 64bit dll files to convert my PDF to images. I need to use it with ThreadPoolExecutor i.e. multithreaded, but since its native, it crashes my JBoss too often.


After I synchronize the use of this library, The threads do not perform well. i.e. with 4 threads, and with 8 threads, its no difference in performance.




Have you tried what the ghost4j people recommend for multi-threading:


Making sure the Ghostscript is thread safe is a first step. But what if Ghost4J is to be used in a multi-thread / multi-user environment (in a webapp for instance)?


If Ghost4J is used to write a document conversion webapp, using a single Ghostscript interpreter may be a real problem if users have to wait for a previous user request to complete.


To get over this limitation Ghost4J provides multi-threading support on its high level API components (since version 0.4.0).

这怎么可能? :组件处理在不同的JVM中进行.

How it is possible? : component processing takes place in different JVMs.

主JVM中的组件能够启动其他JVM(在其他系统进程中运行)并使用cajo库(嵌入在ghost4j JAR文件中)控制它们.

Components in the main JVM are able to start other JVMs (running in other system processes) and control them using the cajo library (embedded in the ghost4j JAR file).


To make sure slave JVMs can be created from the main JVM, check if Java can be launched from command line using the java command.


Multi-threading behavior can be controlled by setting the maxProcessCount property on a component (when available):

  • 当= 0时:禁用多线程.组件将必须等待Ghostscript解释器获得免费才能开始对其进行处理.

  • When = 0: multi-threading is disabled. Component will have to wait for the Ghostscript interpreter to get free before starting its processing.

当> 0时:启用多线程.组件处理不会在主JVM中进行,而是在从JVM中进行.给maxProcessCount赋予的值指示该组件可以同时运行多少个从属JVM.当达到最大数量的从属JVM时,新的处理请求将等待另一个处理完成.

When > 0: multi-threading is enabled. Component processing will not take place in the main JVM but in a slave JVM. The value given to maxProcessCount indicates how many slave JVMs can run concurrently for the component. When the max number of slave JVMs is reached, new processing requests will wait for another processing to complete.


Here is how a PDFConverter component is setup to allow multi-threading with 2 slave JVMs:

//create converter
PDFConverter converter = new PDFConverter();

//set multi-threading


10-20 16:57