我有值的数组,这几乎是,但并不完全排序,流离失所几个值(比如,50 100000)。如何最有效地排序呢? (性能绝对在这里至关重要,应方式比O(N)更快)。
I have an array of values which is almost, but not quite sorted, with a few values displaced (say, 50 in 100000). How to sort it most efficiently? (performance is absolutely crucial here and should be way faster than O(N)).
I know about smoothsort, but I can't find Java implementation. Does anyone know whether it is already implemented? Or what I can use for this task instead of smoothsort?
Actually, the Wikipedia contains a Java implementation of smoothsort. You can find it here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothsort 。
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