我已经熟悉了浏览器外"Web 应用程序的新概念,它在最近的 Silverlight、JavaFX、Adobe AIR 等中得到了支持.
I've become familiar with the new concept of "out of browser" web applications, supported in the recent Silverlight, JavaFX, Adobe AIR etc.
最近收听了 播客关于该主题的Scott Hanselman,我已经意识到这些新架构背后的目的之一是允许桌面应用程序感觉".此外,我了解其中的一些(或全部)允许对资源沙箱进行一些离线访问.这听起来好像这些框架可以替代真正的"桌面应用程序,只要应用程序不需要干扰用户的机器(即访问外围设备、某些文件 IO 等).
Listening recently to a podcast on the subject by Scott Hanselman, I've become aware that one of the purposes behind these new architectures is to allow for "desktop-application-feel". Also, I understand some (or all) of these allow for some offline access to a sandbox of resources. This really sounds as if these frameworks could be an alternative to "real" desktop applications, as long as the application does not require messing with the user's machine (i.e. access to peripherals, certain file IO, etc).
I have a very specific question. My application needs to run at start-up. Is it possible to do so using such a framework without requiring the user to download and run a certain executable?
例如,我总是可以指示用户下载一个小的 EXE,它将一个 .lnk 文件放在启动目录中,但我想避免这样的补丁.
For example, I could always direct the user to download a small EXE that will put a .lnk file in the start-up directory, but I want to avoid such a patch.
总结:是否可以将浏览器外的 Web 应用程序设置为在启动时运行而无需下载文件?
To summarize: is it possible to have an out-of-browser web application setup itself to run at start-up without requiring file download?
To further clarify, this question does not come from an "evil" place, but rather from trying to decide whether "out-of-browser" frameworks are indeed a proper alternative to a desktop application, for my specific requirements.
BkMark 示例 此处 显示了如何在启动时使用 Adobe Air 启动应用程序.所以,是的,这是可能的.
The BkMark example here shows how to start an application on startup using Adobe Air. So, yes it is possible.
这篇关于“退出浏览器"Web 应用程序在启动时运行?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!