我在系统事件日志中收到错误HttpEvent - 无法绑定到[::]的基础传输:8082。 几乎在同一时间,我在应用程序事件日志中收到错误,指出RSManagement.exe出现故障。 当sqlreportingservices服务启动时,我得到
。 我发现另一个自动启动的服务是冲突的,导致RSManagement.exe出错。 有没有办法让RSMangement.exe使用8082以外的端口?
SQL Reporting Services 2017
I am getting an error in the system event log the HttpEvent - Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:8082. At nearly the same time I get an error in the application event log stating that the RSManagement.exe has faulted. I get this when sqlreportingservices service starts. I have found another service that starts automatically that is conflicting and causing the RSManagement.exe to fault. Is there a way to get the RSMangement.exe to use a port other than 8082?
SQL Reporting Services 2017