本文介绍了JOOQ Oracle Number精度和Java数字映射的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


任何人都可以告诉我或提供oracle数字精度和Java类型之间的映射的参考,即在什么时候number(x)映射到short,int,long BigInteger等

Can anyone tell me or provide a ref to the mapping between oracle number precisions and java types ie at what point does a number(x) get mapped to a short, int, long BigInteger etc



Java's integer types are not a perfect match for Oracle's NUMBER types. Essentially, there are two ways to map between the worlds, both imperfect:

  • 现状:严格小于NUMBER(3)-> Byte.

  • The status quo: strictly less than NUMBER(3) -> Byte.


This guarantees that a SQL value can always be read to its Java type.Some Java value might not be writable to the SQL type.

备选方案: Byte-> NUMBER(3)或更小.

这将确保始终可以将Java byte值写入数据库.不过,某些DB值可能无法读入Java类型.

This will guarantee that a Java byte value can always be written to the database. Some DB values might not be readable into the Java type, though.


jOOQ defaults to the first one, because of the following assumptions:

  • jOOQ通常用作数据库优先" API
  • 大多数数据是从数据库中读取的,而不是写入数据库中的

在jOOQ 3.8.4中,以下逻辑在 DefaultDataType.getNumericClass() :

In jOOQ 3.8.4, the following logic is implemented in DefaultDataType.getNumericClass():

// Integers
if (scale == 0 && precision != 0) {
    if (precision < BYTE_PRECISION) {
        return Byte.class;
    if (precision < SHORT_PRECISION) {
        return Short.class;
    if (precision < INTEGER_PRECISION) {
        return Integer.class;
    if (precision < LONG_PRECISION) {
        return Long.class;

    // Default integer number
    return BigInteger.class;

// Non-integers
else {
    return BigDecimal.class;


int LONG_PRECISION    = String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).length();    // 19
int INTEGER_PRECISION = String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE).length(); // 10
int SHORT_PRECISION   = String.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE).length();   // 5
int BYTE_PRECISION    = String.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE).length();    // 3



Overriding the default

If in some cases you use NUMBER(3) to store byte numbers up to 127 for instance, you can override this default by specifying data type rewriting during the code generation phase. This is documented here:


这篇关于JOOQ Oracle Number精度和Java数字映射的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 11:08