

在 bash 或 *NIX 中的任何其他 shell 中编写脚本时,在运行需要几秒钟以上的命令时,需要一个进度条.

When scripting in bash or any other shell in *NIX, while running a command that will take more than a few seconds, a progress bar is needed.


For example, copying a big file, opening a big tar file.

您建议通过哪些方式向 shell 脚本添加进度条?

What ways do you recommend to add progress bars to shell scripts?


您可以通过覆盖一行来实现.使用 回到行首,无需将 写入终端.

You can implement this by overwriting a line. Use to go back to the beginning of the line without writing to the terminal.

在完成行进后写 .

Write when you're done to advance the line.

使用 echo -ne 来:

  1. 不打印
  2. 识别转义序列,如 .
  1. not print and
  2. to recognize escape sequences like .


echo -ne '#####                     (33%)
sleep 1
echo -ne '#############             (66%)
sleep 1
echo -ne '#######################   (100%)
echo -ne '

在下面的评论中,puk 提到如果你从长行开始然后想写一个短行,这个失败":在这种情况下,你需要覆盖长行的长度(例如,用空格).

In a comment below, puk mentions this "fails" if you start with a long line and then want to write a short line: In this case, you'll need to overwrite the length of the long line (e.g., with spaces).


08-04 01:03