Let me prefix this with that I am newer to Node/Express.
我有一个AngularJS应用程序,该应用程序利用Node.JS来管理Azure Blob要求,例如如下创建Blob容器:
I have an AngularJS App that is leveraging Node.JS for managing Azure Blob requirements such as creating Blob containers as follows:
function test(containerName) {
blobSvc.createContainerIfNotExists(containerName, function (error, result, response) {
if (!error) {
// Container exists and allows
// anonymous read access to blob
// content and metadata within this container
从Node中的server.js执行时创建容器的功能按预期工作,并创建了一个blob容器.但是,我需要在AngularJS应用中单击创建一个Blob容器.我设想使用导出来访问和执行在Server.js中创建的函数,但是已经看到了一些混合信息,尤其是当Express.js在图片中时,通过AngularJS客户端调用Node.js函数,因为这似乎是在Angular App中必须进行一次http调用(请参阅本文的最后答案:从角度应用程序调用nodejs中的函数).
The function for creating a container when executed from server.js in Node works as expected and creates a blob container. However, I need to create a blob container on click in my AngularJS app. I envisioned using exports to access and execute functions created in Server.js but have seen some mixed information, especially when Express.js is in the picture, for calling a Node.js function via AngularJS client side since it appears that in an Angular App an http call would have to be made (please see the last answer in this post: Call function in nodejs from angular application).
1)由于我的应用程序当前使用Node,Express和Angular,因此我是否需要在Angular控制器中使用http来运行Node函数/执行用Node/Server.js编写的所有函数,如果调用则需要$ http来执行通过AngularJS客户端,即使他们不调用服务,但可能是执行诸如数学之类的功能的函数?基于Express的呼叫示例:
1) Since my app currently uses Node, Express, and Angular, would I need to use the http in my Angular controller to run Node functions/do all functions written in Node/Server.js require $http to execute if called via AngularJS client side even if they don't call a service but might be a function performing something such as math? Example of an Express based call:
function MyCtrl($scope, $http) {
// $http is injected by angular's IOC implementation
// other functions and controller stuff is here...
// this is called when button is clicked
$scope.batchfile = function() {
$http.get('/performbatch').success(function() {
// url was called successfully, do something
// maybe indicate in the UI that the batch file is
// executed...
2) Or is using exports, such as listed in this post more common practice, where the function is defined as an export and then imported via a requires: What is the purpose of Node.js module.exports and how do you use it?. If so, would I do something like the following?:
Node Server.JS文件:
Node Server.JS File:
var myFunc1 = function() { ... };
exports.myFunc1 = myFunc1;
Within an AngularJS Controller (not including as a dependency):
var m = require('pathto/server.js');
3) Lastly, am I completely off base and there is a common practice for calling node.js functions from an Angular Controller that I am missing?
First of all nodejs and angularjs all though both are javascript both are two different implementation.
NodeJS works on server, on other hand angularjs works on browser.
initially when i was newbie to node i was also having the same problem . i was thinking we could directly call the node function from angularjs ,after all everything is javascript right ! but i was wrong..
First create a route in nodejs (its nothing,just create a simple restAPI)
app = express();
/... code to do your work .../
now in angularjs call do work
Im not sure will it req.params.msg
but you can log req
and can find the object.
In case of post request your parameters will be in req.body
这篇关于从Angular Controller调用节点函数的常用方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!