


I have Activity for displaying search results. It extends ListActivity. I need to show search results in listview grouping several items. So, how do I add grouping to my listview?


你给你的的ListView A ListAdapter 的知道如何做分组。

You give your ListView a ListAdapter that knows how to do the grouping.

这可能是覆盖 getViewTypeCount() getItemViewType()在适配器来形容其立场的问题得到这种种行,再加上修改 getView()(或 NewView的() bindView ()的CursorAdapter )的需要。

This could be a matter of overriding getViewTypeCount() and getItemViewType() in the adapter to describe which positions get which sorts of rows, plus modifying getView() (or newView() and bindView() for CursorAdapter) as needed.

根据您从开始什么,你也许能够使用的东西,像我 MergeAdapter 代替。

Depending on what you are starting with, you might be able to use something like my MergeAdapter instead.


10-21 07:48