#你的名字是什么? br />
#Hello Maria :)
#Hello Wally :)
#一般情况下,对于名为< name>的人,请通过打印回复:
#Hello< name>
#Hello Amar :)
#Hello Brandy :)
#--- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------
name =输入( 你叫什么名字?)
print ( Hello,name + :))
if name == ' Amar':
print ( 我喜欢你的鞋子)
elif name == ' Brandy':
print ( 你好像很酷)
# In this program, you must ask the user:
#"What is your name?"
# And then respond by printing out a personalized greeting.
# For a person named Maria, respond by printing:
#Hello Maria :)
# For a person named Wally, respond by printing:
#Hello Wally :)
# ...etc.
# In general, for a person named <name>, respond by printing:
#Hello <name>
# Two people are special: Amar and Brandy.
# A person named Amar or Brandy should receive an additional comment after you say hello
# For a person named Amar, respond by saying:
#Hello Amar :)
#I like your shoes
# For a person named Brandy, respond by saying:
#Hello Brandy :)
#You seem like a cool person
# Note that the robot grader will only mark your solution correct if your
# print statements match EXACTLY what was specified above.
#Spelling, spacing, punctuation... all that stuff matters.
#Your input statement also matters. You must say it exactly like this:
#What is your name?
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Put your Python code here:
What I have tried:
name = input("What is your name? ") print("Hello",name+" :)") if name == 'Amar': print ("I like your shoes") elif name == 'Brandy': print ("You seem like a cool person")