this time i'm dealing with this issues, we are currently starting a new project in which there are several requirements that we need to accomplish.
- 解决方案必须在Mac,Windows和Linux上运行。
- 可以配置为使用嵌入式数据库引擎诸如SQLite的或Apache德比,和也可以被可配置为连接到远程数据库引擎。针对MySQL的实例。
- Solutions must run on Mac,Windows and Linux.
- Can be configured to use a embedded database engine such as SQLite or Apache Derby, and can also be configurated to connect to a remote database engine. MySQL for instances.
One module of this solutions is planning to run on a table under Android OS.
做一些期试验研究,我发现Adobe AIR和修复它最我们的要求,据我知道它可以在Windows,Mac和Linux,甚至Android操作系统上运行。但遗憾的是不完美的,因为有一对夫妇约外设处理程序的限制(必须使用Java code来实现)和远程数据库处理程序(我们需要使用PHP或Java code连接到它)。
Doing some researchs, I found adobe air and it fix to most our requirements, as far as i know it can run under windows,mac and linux and even android OS. but unfortunately is not perfect because there are a couple of restriction about Peripherals handlers (has to be implemented using java code) and remote database handlers (we need to use a php or java code to connect to it).
Do you guys have any advice in order to architected this solutions as better as possible
Well, there are many cross-platform frameworks to choose from. What is appropriate depends on many factors. Here are a few you might look at:
- 的Java(Swing的使用,可能SWT + JDBC)
- 的JavaFX
- 使用脚本语言如Python(不知道你可以使用什么GUI语言再)
Java是可能至少为Android最好的选择,因为它是官方推荐的语言/ API。此外,它的广泛使用,和自由软件。
Java is probably the best option at least for Android, as it's the offical, recommended language/API. Also, it's widely used, and free software.
我会有点警惕的Adobe AIR,因为它是一个专有平台,所以你永远是在Adobe的怜悯支持新的平台等。但是,这是你的决定,使...
I'd be somewhat wary of Adobe AIR, as it's a proprietary platform, so you'll always be at Adobe's mercy for support of new platforms etc. But that is your decision to make...
另外请注意,Adobe AIR的为Android仍处于测试阶段:
Also note that Adobe AIR for Android is still in beta:
在Adobe AIR的SDK和Adobe AIR运行时计划支持
( http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/air2/android/)