只是想知道如果任何人都可以运行/ VM上这样的编译应用程序的Sun Java实时系统JRE作为VMware或云上的,如在Amazon EC2上?
Just wondering if anybody can run/compile application for Sun Java Realtime system JRE on a VM such as VMWare or on the Cloud such as on Amazon EC2 ?
I know it is not ideal running Realtime java on a virtualized infrastructure, but it makes things easier.
(否则,我只需要在物理硬件上安装SLES SP2。)
(Otherwise I just have to install SLES SP2 on physical hardware.)
If you are talking about Java RTS, then there is little chance that you will get decent realtime behavior on a virtual machine of any kind. In fact, the webpage says that you need a realtime-capable OS, and it lists:
- 的Solaris 10(更新6,更新7)
- 的SUSE Linux Enterprise实时版10的Service Pack 2(SP2)更新6(内核)
- 在红帽企业MRG 1.1勘误表(内核)
的Java RTS在虚拟化平台上是有问题的。当运行(例如)VMware虚拟时,Java RTS和主机操作系统并没有对物理机资源的控制,因此不能在一个位置,使实现实时的行为所需要的性能保证。可以想像,你也许可以做到这一点,如果虚拟化平台(包括基本OS)是完全实时能力。但我从来没有听说过这样的事......我有怀疑,甚至有可能。
Java RTS on top of a virtualization platform is problematic. When run in (for example) a VMware virtual, the Java RTS and its host OS do not have control over physical machine resources, and therefore are not in a position to make the performance guarantees required to implement realtime behavior. Hypothetically, you might be able to do this if the virtualization platform (including the base OS) was fully realtime capable. But I've never heard of such a thing ... and I have doubts that it is even possible.
作为一个必然结果,我会很惊讶地听到了Java RTS作品在云端。这将遭受同样的问题作为一个内部的虚拟化平台等,再加上问题,你有你和它之间的网络连接。
As a corollary, I'd be very surprised to hear that Java RTS works "in the cloud". It would suffer from the same problems as an in-house virtualization platform, etc, plus the problems you have the internet between you and it.
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