本文介绍了异常处理,WinRT的C ++并行异步任务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我要实现一个异步HTTP在C ++ GET,我们必须要能够应用提交至Windows 8的商店。

I have to implement an async HTTP GET in C++ and we have to be able to submit the app to the Windows 8 Store.



I've found a suitable Sample code which implements an HttpRequest class http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/HttpClient-sample-55700664


This example works if the URI is correct but throws an exception if the URI points to an invalid / non existing place (like: www.google22.com). This would be fine if I could catch the exception but I cannot figure it out how or where should I catch it.


Now some code.This is the call to the async, concurrency::task based method which throws the exception:

try {
Web::HttpRequest httpRequest;
    httpRequest.GetAsync(uri, cancellationTokenSource.get_token())
        .then( []  (concurrency::task<std::wstring> response)
        try {
        catch( ... ) {
            int i = 1;
        return response;
} catch ( ... ) {


And this is the relevant segment of the GetAsync method (the end of the method):

// Return a task that completes when the HTTP operation completes.
// We pass the callback to the continuation because the lifetime of the
// callback must exceed the operation to ensure that cancellation
// works correctly.
return completionTask.then([this, stringCallback](tuple<HRESULT, wstring> resultTuple)
    // If the GET operation failed, throw an Exception.

    statusCode = stringCallback->GetStatusCode();
    reasonPhrase = stringCallback->GetReasonPhrase();

    return std::get<1>(resultTuple);


The CheckHResult line throws the exception, it's code:

inline void CheckHResult(HRESULT hResult)
if (hResult == E_ABORT)
else if (FAILED(hResult))
    throw Platform::Exception::CreateException(hResult);


I have a try-catch around the GetAsync call and I also have a try-catch in the .then continuation lambda.


In the relevant Microsoft documentation ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh780559.aspx ) it states that exceptions thrown by a task should be catchable in the next task in the chain but somehow it doesn't work in my case. Additionally not even the try-catch around the whole call catches the exception, it just slips through everything...


Anyone had this problem? I think I've tried everything stated in the official documentations but it still lets the exception go berserk and crash the app. What do I miss?



I've modified the code to do nothing else but exception handling and it still doesn't catch the exception thrown by the task in .GetAsync


  Windows::Foundation::Uri^ uri;
  uri = ref new Windows::Foundation::Uri( uri_string_to_fetch );

  concurrency::cancellation_token_source cancellationTokenSource = concurrency::cancellation_token_source();

  Web::HttpRequest httpRequest;
  OutputDebugString( L"Start to fetch the uri...\n" );
  httpRequest.GetAsync(uri, cancellationTokenSource.get_token())
    .then([](concurrency::task<std::wstring> response)
    try {
    catch( ... ) {
      OutputDebugString(L"unknown Exception");
  .then([](concurrency::task<void> t)
    try {
      // .get() didn't throw, so we succeeded.
    catch (Platform::Exception^ e) {
      // handle error
    catch (...) {
      OutputDebugString(L"unknown Exception");
catch (Platform::Exception^ ex) {
catch ( ... ) {
  OutputDebugString(L"unknown Exception");

这仍然给我的异常消息崩溃:在0x75644B32在App1.exe第一次机会异常:微软C ++异常:平台::收到COMException ^内存位置0x077EEC28。 HRESULT:0x800C0005

This still gives me a crash with the exception message: First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x077EEC28. HRESULT:0x800C0005


Additionally when I put some breakpoints in the code it shows that the exception slips through everything before the first .then would be called. I've put breakpoints in these locations (in the simplified / cleaned up code):

  • 的GetAsync调用之前

  • 进入GetAsync,到 CheckHResult(的std ::获得℃下>(resultTuple)); 线,抛出该异常

  • 到每一个尝试和catch情况/块

  • before the GetAsync call
  • into the GetAsync, to the CheckHResult(std::get<0>(resultTuple)); line which throws the exception
  • into every try and catch case / block


Order of execution, tested with breakpoints:

  1. [OK]

  2. 在GetAsync,这将引发异常的行[OK]

  3. 现在应用程序崩溃,滑过每一个的try-catch ,继续

  4. 现在,在第一次的。然后的行被调用,在它的try块

  5. 另一个应用程序级的异常没有被任何catch块逮住

  6. 现在,第一次的。然后的的catch块

  7. 第二。那么方法的的尝试的块

  8. ,仅此而已,第二的。然后的的追赶甚至没有捕获任何例外

  1. before the GetAsync call [OK]
  2. in the GetAsync, the line which will throw the exception [OK]
  3. now the app crashes, slips through every try-catch, continue
  4. now the line in the first .then gets called, in it's try block
  5. another app level exceptions not catched by any catch block
  6. now the first .then's catch block
  7. second .then method's try block
  8. and nothing more, the second .then's catch doesn't even catch any exception

  - 开始,以获取URI ...
  - 在0x75644B32在App1.exe第一次机会异常:微软C ++异常:平台::收到COMException ^内存位置0x082FEEF0。 HRESULT:0x800C0005
  - 在0x75644B32在App1.exe第一次机会异常:微软C ++异常:[重新抛出]在内存位置00000000。
  - 在0x75644B32在App1.exe第一次机会异常:微软C ++异常:平台::收到COMException ^内存位置0x082FE670。 HRESULT:0x800C0005
  - 在0x75644B32在App1.exe第一次机会异常:微软C ++异常:平台::收到COMException ^内存位置0x082FDD88。 HRESULT:0x800C0005
  - 未知异常

And the printed debug logs, in order: - Start to fetch the uri... - First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x082FEEF0. HRESULT:0x800C0005 - First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000. - First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x082FE670. HRESULT:0x800C0005 - First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x082FDD88. HRESULT:0x800C0005 - unknown Exception




In the Concurrency Runtime any unhandled exception that occurs during the execution of a task is deferred for later observation. In this way, you could add a task based continuation at the end of the chain and handle errors there.


httpRequest.GetAsync(uri, cancellationTokenSource.get_token())
.then([](concurrency::task<std::wstring> response)
    try {
    catch( ... ) {
        int i = 1;
    return response;
.then([](concurrency::task<void> t)
    try {
        // .get() didn't throw, so we succeeded.
    catch (Platform::Exception::CreateException^ e) {
        // handle error

欲了解更多详细信息,你可以阅读在并发运行时 异常处理。

The call to .get triggers any exceptions that were raised in the task chain (if any).For more details you can read Exception Handling in the Concurrency Runtime.

这篇关于异常处理,WinRT的C ++并行异步任务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
