

我想从SQL Server数据库richtextbox中检索word和excel文档,或者通过另一种方式使用c#.net查看表单中的文档内容


I want to retrieve word and excel documents from sql server database it richtextbox or by another way to view document contents in form using c#.net

I used this code

            SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("select Document from documents where [Account no]='" + textBox23.Text + "'", con);

            SqlDataAdapter dpp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1);
            DataSet dss = new DataSet("Mydocs");
            byte[] MyData = new byte[0];
            dpp.Fill(dss, "Mydocs");
            DataRow myRow;
            myRow = dss.Tables["Mydocs"].Rows[0];
            MyData = (byte[])myRow["Document"];
           MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(MyData);






note: Document is the saved document in binary

the problem I don''t know how to display document in richtextbox from database , I cannot complete this code to display the document in the richtextbox

can any body help me ??

thank you


moon_shine wrote:


So, can you help me how open saved word document(as binary) from database with any way, not necessary open in windows forms.


因此,解决方案是将Microsoft Word文档的专有格式重写为一种公共格式.首批候选者将是HTML和RTF. RTF只能呈现Word文档功能的一小部分子集,但是HTML更接近于全面的解决方案,但仍不能100%保证.如果仅在HTML5中完全支持MathML,那么如何使用公式编辑器.两种格式都很容易在您的应用程序中显示文档.

更高级的格式可能包括基于XML的OpenDocument(ODF), http://en.wikipedia.org、/wiki/OpenDocument [ ^ ],不要与Microsoft Office Open XML混淆.



我至少可以看到两种方式:使用Office Automation或使用Open Office的开源代码.

Open Office可以将任何上述格式转换为HTML,RTF和ODF(其本机格式).因此,您肯定可以在其源代码中找到转换器.参见:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Office [ ^ ],
http://www.openoffice.org/ [ ^ ].

对于Office Automation,请从 http://msdn.microsoft.com/开始zh-cn/library/aa188489%28v = office.10%29.aspx [ ^ ].

只有Word 2007或更高版本才能或多或少地将其转换为HTML.

在您的应用程序中显示RTF或HTML很容易.在第一种情况下使用只读RichTextBox,在第二种情况下使用WebBrowser控件.另外,还有一个非常优雅的解决方案-HTML渲染器;请参阅此CodeProject文章:您将使用的专业HTML渲染器 [ ^ ].


Unfortunately, the answer would be pretty unpleasant: "Next time, think twice before saving data in proprietary formats". Really. It''s way too easy to put yourself in a dead end, going out could be way too difficult, if even possible.

So, the solution would be re-writing the Microsoft Word documents proprietary formats into one of public formats. The first candidates would be HTML and RTF. RTF can render only a narrow sub-set of Word document features, but HTML is much closer to a comprehensive solution while still not a 100% guarantee. How about formula editor, if MathML is only fully supported in HTML5. Both formats are easy enough to show the documents in your application.

More advanced formats may include XML-based OpenDocument (ODF), http://en.wikipedia.org,/wiki/OpenDocument[^], not to be confused with Microsoft Office Open XML.

Of course you can access Word Document formats, but I would suggest you don''t do it on the fly, even though many products do it. You have a strategic mistake; so I would advice to fix it first. You can convert all document in the database automatically. Write a special client application to do the fix. However, you can convert the document on the fly, but then you take a risk of putting yourself in another dead end: you may need to keep office on the server, its version can become obsolete, etc., a number of problems like that. Better go away from Word, all documents at once.

Now, the problem is reduced to the one: how to read/parse or convert a Word document? This problem is quite solvable.

I can see at least two ways: using Office Automation or using the Open-Source code of Open Office.

Open Office can convert any of the mentioned formats into HTML, RTF and ODF which is its native format. So, in its source code you will certainly be able to find the converters. See:

For Office Automation, start with http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa188489%28v=office.10%29.aspx[^].

More or less adequate conversion to HTML can be done only by the Word 2007 or later.

Showing RTF or HTML in your application is easy. Use read-only RichTextBox in first case or WebBrowser control in second. Also, there is a very elegant solution — HTML renderer; see this CodeProject article: A Professional HTML Renderer You Will Use[^].



09-05 12:45