


I am trying to create custom syntax highlighting for Kivy '.kv' files in the Geany editor. Although the specific filetype seems irrelavant to the issue I'm having, as any efforts I make at getting syntax highlighting to work for a custom filetype results in a completely non-highlighted file. I believe I have done my homework on this, and nothing seems to work.


I have added the following to ~/.config/geany/filetype_extensions.conf



I also have a custom type definition file named 'filetypes.Kivy.conf' in ~/.config/geany/filedefs/. I have tried basing this file off several of the stock type definition files in /usr/share/geany/ and the file never gets any syntax highlighting applied in Geany. Right now, just for experimentation's sake, my 'filetypes.Kivy.conf' file looks like this:

# For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation
# default extension used when saving files

# single comments, like # in this file

# all items must be in one line
primary=size canvas
secondary=pos size

# 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces

这是基于库存XML定义文件的非常宽松的方法,但是就像我说过的,我已经尝试了许多其他库存文件.在许多情况下,我只将'extension ='值更改为kv,并且仍然未应用任何高亮显示,即使转到Geany中的Document> Set Filetype并选择几乎任何随机文件类型(除了我的自定义条目)也会产生某种效果在我的.kv文件中突出显示内容.甚至在使用股票定义的未修改内容时也是如此,否则,当在Geany中专门选择该内容时,对我的.kv文件就可以正常工作了.

This is very loosly based on the stock XML definition file, but like I said I've tried many other stock files. In many cases I only changed the 'extension=' value to kv and still no highlighting was applied, even though going to Document>Set Filetype in Geany and choosing virtually any random filetype (besides my custom entry) would yeild some sort of highlighting within my .kv file. This is even the case when using the unmodified contents of a stock definition which otherwise works fine on my .kv file when specifically selected in Geany!

此外,默认情况下,在Geany的Document> Set Filetype中列出并选择了Kivy文件类型,所以我必须在这里做些事情!

Also, the Kivy filetype is listed and selected by default in Document>Set Filetype within Geany, so I must be doing something right here!

我意识到有人问过类似的问题,但是解决方案似乎与我的情况无关,因为我已经尝试过该站点和许多其他站点上的每个相关主题. 我的Geany版本是1.22 ,并且我正在运行Arch Linux.这真让我发疯-有什么建议吗?

I realize this similar question has been asked, but the solutions seem irrelavent to my case, as I've tried every related topic on this and many other sites. My Geany version is 1.22 and I'm running Arch Linux. This is driving me nuts - any suggestions?




Set lexer_filetype= property in the [settings] section of your filetype file. Working highlighting requires that there is a lexer that could be used for highlighting the .kv-files.

有关更多信息,请参见 http://www.geany.org/manual/#lexer-文件类型

For more info see http://www.geany.org/manual/#lexer-filetype


06-12 15:26