

在python中获取排序的唯一列表的斋戒方法是什么? (我有一个可哈希处理的东西的列表,并且希望有一个我可以迭代的东西-列表是否被修改,或者我得到一个新列表,还是一个可迭代的对象都没关系.在我的具体用例中,我是我会使用一次性列表来执行此操作,这样就可以提高内存效率.)

What is the fasted way to get a sorted, unique list in python? (I have a list of hashable things, and want to have something I can iterate over - doesn't matter whether the list is modified in place, or I get a new list, or an iterable. In my concrete use case, I'm doing this with a throwaway list, so in place would be more memory efficient.)


input = [5, 4, 2, 8, 4, 2, 1]


but it seems to me that first checking for uniqueness and then sorting is wasteful (since when you sort the list, you basically have to determine insertion points, and thus get the uniqueness test as a side effect). Maybe there is something more along the lines of unix's

cat list | sort | uniq


that just picks out consecutive duplications in an already sorted list?


Note in the question ' Fastest way to uniqify a list in Python ' the list is not sorted, and ' What is the cleanest way to do a sort plus uniq on a Python list? ' asks for the cleanest / most pythonic way, and the accepted answer suggests sorted(set(input)), which I'm trying to improve on.


我相信sorted(set(sequence))是最快的方法.是的,set遍历整个序列,但这是一个C级循环,比您在python级进行的任何循环都要快 .

I believe sorted(set(sequence)) is the fastest way of doing it.Yes, set iterates over the sequence but that's a C-level loop, which is a lot faster than any looping you would do at python level.

请注意,即使使用groupby,您仍然拥有O(n) + O(nlogn) = O(nlogn),最糟糕的是groupby将需要python级循环,这会大大增加O(n)中的常量,因此最终您会获得最差的结果

Note that even with groupby you still have O(n) + O(nlogn) = O(nlogn) and what's worst is that groupby will require a python-level loop, which increases dramatically the constants in that O(n) thus in the end you obtain worst results.


When speaking of CPython the way to optimize things is to do as much as you can at C-level (see this answer to have an other example of counter-intuitive performance). To have a faster solution you must reimplement a sort, in a C-extensions. And even then, good luck with obtaining something as fast as python's Timsort!


A small comparison of the "canonical solution" versus the groupby solution:

>>> import timeit
>>> sequence = list(range(500)) + list(range(700)) + list(range(1000))
>>> timeit.timeit('sorted(set(sequence))', 'from __main__ import sequence', number=1000)
>>> import itertools
>>> def my_sort(seq):
...     return list(k for k,_ in itertools.groupby(sorted(seq)))
>>> timeit.timeit('my_sort(sequence)', 'from __main__ import sequence, my_sort', number=1000)

如您所见,它的速度慢了 3倍.

As you can see it's 3 times slower.


The version provided by jdm is actually even worse:

>>> def make_unique(lst):
...     if len(lst) <= 1:
...         return lst
...     last = lst[-1]
...     for i in range(len(lst) - 2, -1, -1):
...         item = lst[i]
...         if item == last:
...             del lst[i]
...         else:
...             last = item
>>> def my_sort2(seq):
...     make_unique(sorted(seq))
>>> timeit.timeit('my_sort2(sequence)', 'from __main__ import sequence, my_sort2', number=1000)


Almost 5 times slower.Note that using seq.sort() and then make_unique(seq) and make_unique(sorted(seq)) are actually the same thing, since Timsort uses O(n) space you always have some reallocation, so using sorted(seq) does not actually change much the timings.


The jdm's benchmarks give different results because the input he is using are way too small and thus all the time is taken by the time.clock() calls.


08-27 14:14