os.chdir(r'E:/trainTest')def process_img(file_path):img = tf.io.read_file(file_path)img = tf.image.decode_png(img, 通道=3)img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)img = tf.image.resize(img, size=(img_height, img_width))返回图像x_files = glob('输入/*.png')y_files = glob('输出/*.png')files_ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_files, y_files))#Dataset 给我输入输出files_ds = files_ds.map(lambda x, y: (process_img(x), process_img(y))).batch(batch_size)#模型初始化等#----模型.fit(files_ds,epochs=25)
问题是我的模型没有足够的图像.所以我的问题是,如何从 files_ds
from skimage 导入数据导入 matplotlib.pyplot 作为 plt将张量流导入为 tfcat = data.chelsea()plt.imshow(tf.image.random_hue(cat, .2, .5))plt.show()
您可以像这样在 tf.data.Dataset
def process_img(file_path):img = tf.io.read_file(file_path)img = tf.image.decode_png(img, 通道=3)img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)img = tf.image.resize(img, size=(img_height, img_width))img = tf.image.random_hue(img, 0., .5) # 这里返回图像
导入操作系统将张量流导入为 tfos.chdir(r'c:/users/user/Pictures')从 glob2 导入 glob导入 matplotlib.pyplot 作为 pltx_files = glob('inputs/*.jpg')y_files = glob('targets/*.jpg')files_ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_files, y_files))定义加载(文件路径):img = tf.io.read_file(file_path)img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img, 通道=3)img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)img = tf.image.resize(img, size=(28, 28))返回图像def process_img(file_path1, file_path2):img = tf.stack([加载(file_path1), 加载(file_path2)])img = tf.image.random_hue(img, max_delta=.5)返回 img[0], img[1]files_ds = files_ds.map(lambda x, y: process_img(x, y)).batch(1)a, b = next(iter(files_ds))plt.imshow(a[0, ...])plt.imshow(b[0, ...])
I have a batch dataset which contains image as input and output. Code is like this:
def process_img(file_path):
img = tf.io.read_file(file_path)
img = tf.image.decode_png(img, channels=3)
img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
img = tf.image.resize(img, size=(img_height, img_width))
return img
x_files = glob('input/*.png')
y_files = glob('output/*.png')
files_ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_files, y_files))
#Dataset which gives me input-output
files_ds = files_ds.map(lambda x, y: (process_img(x), process_img(y))).batch(batch_size)
#model init etc
Problem is I don't have enough images for my model. So my question is, how can i create augmented images (like flipped, rotated, zoomed etc) from files_ds
? Because the output image has to be augmented the same way the input image is augmented.
This question actually arrived from the following question and i wanted to ask this in its own section:
Tensorflow image_dataset_from_directory for input dataset and output dataset
has a bunch of random transformations you can use. For instance:
Here's an example on a completely random image of a cat.
from skimage import data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
cat = data.chelsea()
Image with transformation:
from skimage import data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
cat = data.chelsea()
plt.imshow(tf.image.random_hue(cat, .2, .5))
You can implement this in you tf.data.Dataset
like this:
def process_img(file_path):
img = tf.io.read_file(file_path)
img = tf.image.decode_png(img, channels=3)
img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
img = tf.image.resize(img, size=(img_height, img_width))
img = tf.image.random_hue(img, 0., .5) # Here
return img
I found a way to keep the same transformation in graph mode. It's basically to pass two images in the same call to the transformers.
import os
import tensorflow as tf
from glob2 import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x_files = glob('inputs/*.jpg')
y_files = glob('targets/*.jpg')
files_ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_files, y_files))
def load(file_path):
img = tf.io.read_file(file_path)
img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img, channels=3)
img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
img = tf.image.resize(img, size=(28, 28))
return img
def process_img(file_path1, file_path2):
img = tf.stack([load(file_path1), load(file_path2)])
img = tf.image.random_hue(img, max_delta=.5)
return img[0], img[1]
files_ds = files_ds.map(lambda x, y: process_img(x, y)).batch(1)
a, b = next(iter(files_ds))
plt.imshow(a[0, ...])
plt.imshow(b[0, ...])
这篇关于在 Tensorflow 中为输入和输出保持相同的数据集扩充的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!