根据我的阅读,XSLT将 XML文档转换为另一种格式(也可以是XML).现在我很困惑,
I have a XML document.I am signing a part of document using xmlsignature. Before finding digest, I want to apply XSLT transform.
According to what I read, XSLT converts an XML document to another format(can be XML also). Now I am confused that,
where will be the transformed new document is avilable?
How to retrieve the value from this newly created document if I want to show it to user?
My XML Document
Transform t=fac.newTransform(Transform.XPATH,new XPathFilterParameterSpec("/r1/user"));
According to xpath transformation,Whenever value of user element changes the xmlsignature should not be validated. And if person element's value changes then Signature should be validated. But when I change person element's value the signature is not validated. WHY?
The xslt transform used when signing a document relates to how nodes in your source XML are selected when the signature is calculated.
此问题/答案由与使用xpath2签名XML文档的部分有关.链接肖恩·穆兰斯(Sean Mullans)的帖子在此答案中指出,xpath2更适合对文档的部分进行签名,因为对xpath表达式的评估是针对每个节点进行的.
This question/answer by Dave relates to signing parts of an XML document using xpath2. The link to Sean Mullans' post in this answer suggests xpath2 is more appropriate for signing parts of a document because the evaluation of an xpath expression is done per node.
因此基于 sun dsig示例,您可以使用以下方式替换参考创建:
So based on the sun dsig example you can replace the Reference creation using:
List<XPathType> xpaths = new ArrayList<XPathType>();
xpaths.add(new XPathType("//r1/user", XPathType.Filter.INTERSECT));
Reference ref = fac.newReference
("", fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null),
new XPathFilter2ParameterSpec(xpaths))),
null, null);
这可以通过签名保护//r1/user ,同时可以更改文档的其余部分.
This allows //r1/user to be protected with a signature while the rest of the document can be altered.
xpath/xpath2选择的问题是可以为/some/node/that/does/not/exist 生成签名.您可以修改测试文档,并确保签名按预期方式工作.
The problem with the xpath/xpath2 selection is that a signature can be generated for /some/node/that/does/not/exist. You are right to modify a test document and make sure the signature is working the way you expect.
You might test the document in a test program by generating a signature then tampering with the xml node before verification:
NodeList nlt = doc.getElementsByTagName("user");
nlt.item(0).getFirstChild().setTextContent("Something else");
A more reliable alternative to an xpath selector might be to put an ID on the xml document elements you hope to sign like:
<user id="sign1">asd</user>
then reference this ID as the URI in the first parameter of an enveloped transfer:
Reference ref = fac.newReference
("#sign1", fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null),
(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED,(TransformParameterSpec) null)),
null, null);
For the output, a signature operation adds a new Signature element to the DOM you have loaded in memory. You can stream the output by transforming it like this:
TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer trans = tf.newTransformer();
trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
trans.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(System.out));
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