我正在尝试使用此 JS 代码创建一个简单的弹出窗口:
I'm trying to create a simple pop-up window using this JS code:
window.open(this.href,"popupwindow", "width=400,height=545,innerHeight=500, left=200,top=5,scrollbars,toolbar=0,resizable");
结果弹出窗口显示不同浏览器的不同高度.我在不同浏览器上通过控制台检查了 window.innerHeight
The resultant pop-up window is showing different heights for different browsers. I checked the window.innerHeight
through console on different browsers, and this is the result:
= 455
safari: window.innerHeight
= 455
= 500
IE: window.innerHeight
= 549
= 544
这是 JSFiddle 链接.
我需要高度为 500 像素的弹出窗口.我怎样才能在所有浏览器中做到这一点.
I need the pop-up with the height of 500px. How can I do that across all browsers.
Resizing the window after opening may achieve better size accuracy:
var win = window.open("about:blank" "popupwindow", // about:blank for demo
// adjust size;
win.resizeBy( 400 - win.innerWidth, 500-win.innerHeight);
请求一个 400 x 500 像素的窗口,然后调整内容区域的大小以确保.对innerHeight 和width 设置的处理甚至识别可能因浏览器而异.
requests a window 400 x 500 pixels and then resizes the content area to make sure. Treatment or even recognition of innerHeight and width settings may differ between browsers.
弹出窗口受用户偏好和弹出窗口拦截器的影响.例如,我将 IE 设置为在新选项卡中打开弹出窗口(上面的代码不会打开新窗口),Firefox 始终包含位置栏,并将任何试图绕过弹出窗口阻止程序的站点视为恶意站点.您可能希望提请设置要求的人员注意这一点.
Popup windows are subject to user preferences and popup blockers. For example I have IE set to open popups in a new tab (the code above does not open a new window), Firefox to always include the location bar, and regard any site that sets out to circumvent a popup blocker as malicious. You may wish to draw this to the attention of those setting the requirements.
这篇关于Window.open 浏览器高度不一致的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!