


I'm learning how to develop a node application. It's an app where people can post events happening around the city.


I have an ejs file, new.ejs, that allows users to submit a new event. Obviously there is an event start time and end time. I want to make sure that the end time is AFTER the start time, so I simply added a script to do that, as follows:

          <!-- EVENT DATE AND TIME -->
          <div class=row>
              <!-- DATE -->
              <div class="form-group col-md-4">
                  <label for="date">Date *</label>
                  <input name="date" type="date" class="form-control" id="date">
              <!--START TIME -->
              <div class="form-group col-md-4 ">
                  <label for="starttime">Start Time *</label>
                  <input name="starttime" type="text" class="form-control" id="starttime">
              <!--END TIME -->
              <div class="form-group col-md-4 ">
                  <label for="endtime">End Time *</label>
                  <input name="endtime" type="text" class="form-control" id="endtime">
              <script type="text/javascript">
                        'minTime': '12:00am',
                        'showDuration': true
                    $('#starttime').on('changeTime', function() {
                        $('#endtime').timepicker('option', 'minTime', $(this).val());
          </div> <!-- END OF ROW -->


Now this works just fine, it does what I want it to do.


However, I know that EJS is designed to take back-end (node) javascript code and render it out into the view.


  1. 是否在标记之间添加前端代码?也就是说,这是正确的编码做法吗?如果没有,什么是更好的方法呢?

  1. Is adding front-end code between tags a hack? I.e, is this proper coding practice? If not, what is a better way of doing this?


Right now, I just have a small amount of code between my script tags. As I continue to develop the application, what happens if the code gets way too long? Should it remain in the ejs file? Seems too messy...


  1. 如果您的应用是服务器端呈现的(不是单页应用),则您的方法是正确的。

  1. If your app is server-side rendered (not a Single Page Application), then your approach is sound.

您可以将代码放入 / public 文件夹中的JS文件,并将您的节点服务器配置为将这些文件作为静态文件提供,并添加< script> .ejs 文件中的c>标记引用了这些JS文件。

You can put the your code in JS files in a /public folder and configured your node server to serve those files as static files, and add <script> tags in the .ejs files that reference those JS files.

我有一个带有这种实现的示例项目。 将是您的ejs文件(情况)和就是放置脚本文件的位置。最后,将您的应用程序配置为从

I have a sample project with such an implementation. This will be your ejs file (jade for my case) and this is where you put your script files. Lastly, configure your app to serve static assets from a directory like this.

