


        ... ...

        // get source image size
        int width       = image.Width;
        int height      = image.Height;
        int halfWidth   = width / 2;
        int halfHeight  = height / 2;

        // make sure the specified rectangle recides with the source image
        rect.Intersect( new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height ) );

        int startX = -halfWidth  + rect.Left;
        int startY = -halfHeight + rect.Top;
        int stopX  = width  - halfWidth  - ( width  - rect.Right );
        int stopY  = height - halfHeight - ( height - rect.Bottom );

        int offset = image.Stride - rect.Width;

        // calculate Hough map's width
        int halfHoughWidth = (int) Math.Sqrt( halfWidth * halfWidth + halfHeight * halfHeight );
        int houghWidth = halfHoughWidth * 2;

        houghMap = new short[houghHeight, houghWidth];

        // do the job
            byte* src = (byte*) image.ImageData.ToPointer( ) +
                rect.Top * image.Stride + rect.Left;

            // for each row
            for ( int y = startY; y < stopY; y++ )
                // for each pixel
                for ( int x = startX; x < stopX; x++, src++ )
                    if ( *src != 0 )
                        // for each Theta value
                        for ( int theta = 0; theta < houghHeight; theta++ )
                            int radius = (int) Math.Round( cosMap[theta] * x - sinMap[theta] * y ) + halfHoughWidth;

                            if ( ( radius < 0 ) || ( radius >= houghWidth ) )

                            houghMap[theta, radius]++;
                src += offset;

        ... ... ...

Q.1. rect.Intersect(new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height));-为什么这行很重要?

Q.1. rect.Intersect(new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height)); - why is this line important?

Q.2. 为什么在以下代码中使用rect修改值:

Q.2. Why are values modified using rect In the following code:

int startX = -halfWidth  + rect.Left;
int startY = -halfHeight + rect.Top;
int stopX  = width  - halfWidth  - ( width  - rect.Right );
int stopY  = height - halfHeight - ( height - rect.Bottom );

Q.3. 为什么y和x循环从负点开始?





This line simply ensures that the bounding rectangle is completely inside the image. If you were to skip this, and rect is (partly) outside the image, you'd end up indexing out of bounds.


Note that pixel access is done through a pointer, incrementing the pointer by 1 for every x-increment, and by offset for every y-increment. If rect is larger than the image, we'd increment the pointer past the image buffer. If rect is simply shifted out the image bounds, but not too large, we'd read pixels that do not correspond to the coordinates we're using.


int stopX  = width  - halfWidth  - ( width  - rect.Right );
int stopY  = height - halfHeight - ( height - rect.Bottom );


int stopX  = - halfWidth  + rect.Right;
int stopY  = - halfHeight + rect.Bottom;


The code defines the origin of the coordinate system in the middle of the image. This bit of code shifts the bounding box (originally defined in the range [0,width) and [0,height) ) to the new coordinate system.


Usually the Hough transform is defined with the origin in the top-left pixel. But in principle it does not matter how the coordinate system is defined, this just modifies the parametrization of a line. The sinusoid drawn for each input pixel will be different, but the local maxima will still appear for the set of parameters corresponding to lines in the image.


08-20 04:26