

我是iPhone开发的新手。我已经浏览了一些探索页面,在iOS4的Info.plist中创建了UIBackgroundModes键。但是它有点难以理解。请提供一些一步一步的程序与截图示例,以便于理解...还指定所需的要求,即iPhone,操作系统版本4.0 ...

I'm new to iPhone development.I have already gone through some of the exploring pages to create UIBackgroundModes key in Info.plist for iOS4 .But it is little bit difficult to understand . Kindly provide some step by step procedure with screenshot example for easy understanding...also specify what the requirements which are needed ie iPhone, OS version 4.0...



The UIBackgroundModes key identifies which background tasks your application supports. Its value is an array that contains one or more strings with the following values:

  • audio - 应用程序在用户播放可听内容时背景。

  • 位置 - 即使在后台运行,应用程序也会通知用户他们的位置。

  • voip - 应用程序提供的功能用户使用Internet连接拨打电话。

您可以在Xcode上编辑Info.plist文件。要添加新密钥,请单击 + 标志并写入:

You can edit the Info.plist file on Xcode. To add a new key, click on the + sign and write:

iOS 4

UIBackgroundModes 作为密钥,确保将类型设置为字符串,然后在值中写入 audio 位置 voip 取决于您的需求:

"UIBackgroundModes" as the key, make sure the type is set to string and then in value write audio, location or voip depending on your needs:

iOS 6


"Required background modes" as the key and then set the type in drop down menu.


08-19 19:05