


I have a query regarding creating a Immutable class. Following are the points which I take in consideration:

  1. 使班级最终
  2. 使所有成员成为最终成员,在静态块或构造函数中明确设置它们
  3. 将所有成员设为私人
  4. 没有修改状态的方法
  5. 要非常小心地限制对可变成员组件的访问(请记住,该字段可能是final的,但该对象仍然可以是可变的.即private final Date imStillMutable)-有关更多信息,请参见防御性复制或其表亲复制构造函数.


But I did not understand the 5 point completely at all, could you please advise or show me a example in which the 5 point is clear in that example?



Point 5 suggests that any time you have any methods which would return something to do with a mutable object, you'd want to create a copy which is independent of the private state. For example:

public final class Foo
    private final List<String> strings;

    public Foo(List<String> strings)
        // Defensive copy on construction. Protects from constructing
        // code mutating the list.
        this.strings = new ArrayList<String>(strings);

    public List<String> getStrings()
        // Defensive copy on read. Protects from clients mutating the list.
        return new ArrayList<String>(strings);


Note that the defensive copying is only required when the state is mutable. For example, if you used an ImmutableList (e.g. from Guava) as the state in the above class, you'd need to create a new list on construction (unless the input is also an ImmutableList) but not in getStrings.


Also note that in this case String is immutable, so we don't need to copy each string. If this were a List<StringBuilder> we'd need to create a new list and a new copy of each element as part of the defensive copy. As you can see, life becomes simpler when all your state is immutable too.


08-06 22:36