我目前有一个 Vue2 组件库,我通过私有 npm 存储库创建并在多个项目中使用.我现在正在 Vue3 中开始一个新项目,但如果可能的话,我想使用旧组件.我可以混合这样的版本吗?此外,组件是否可以以相反的方式混合(Vue2 应用程序中的 Vue3 组件)?
I've currently got a library of Vue2 components I've created and use in several projects via a private npm repo. I'm starting a new project now in Vue3 but I'd like to use the old components if possible. Can I mix versions like that? Also, can components be mixed the opposite way (Vue3 components in Vue2 apps)?
Vue2 components can be used with Vue3 and Vue3 components can be used in Vue2.
只要您使用基于 Classic Vue Js 类的 API,您就应该没有问题.尽管一些底层技术已经重建,但 Vue 团队一直在努力使其兼容,尽管我相信这里和那里都会有一些边缘情况.
As long as you use Classic Vue Js class-based API you should have no issues. Even though some of the underlying technology has been rebuilt, the Vue team has worked hard on making that compatible, though I'm sure there will be some edge cases here and there.
问题在于您是否在制作组件时使用 Composition API.组合 API 是为 Vue3 构建的,虽然您可以通过插件在 Vue2 中获得类似的体验,但您可能会遇到问题.
The problem will be if you use the Composition API in making your components. The composition API is built for Vue3, and although you can have a similar experience in Vue2 via a plugin, you are likely going to encounter issues.
此外,即使你没有使用 Composition API,你最终可能会使用依赖它的插件,这可能最终不会针对 Vue2 进行回归测试.
Furthermore, even if you are not using the Composition API, you may end up using plugins that do rely on it, which may end up not regression testing against Vue2.
在撰写本文时,Vue 3 仍在作为 RC 版本发布.这可能很快就会改变,无法保证.
At the time of writing, Vue 3 was still being released as a RC version. This may change very soon, there's not guarantee.
如果您打算以与 Vue2 相同的方式使用 Vue3,那么切换几乎没有什么好处.如果您打算使用新功能(例如 Composition API),那么您最终可能无法 100% 兼容.
If you're going to use Vue3 the same way as Vue2, there's little benefit to switching. If you are going to use the new features (like the Composition API) then you might end up not being 100% compatible.
据说,Vue2 将有另一个 (LTS) 版本来解决兼容性问题.
By the sounds of it, Vue2 will have another (LTS) release that will address compatibility issues.
官方建议是仍然使用 Vue2 开始新项目.
The official recommendation is to start new projects with Vue2 still.