我是 Crystal Reports v10 的新手,我正在创建要嵌入到 Visual Studio 2010 表单中的报表.我使用的数据库服务器是 MySQL.我有一些关于在水晶报表中创建新连接的问题.根据我所阅读的内容,我应该选择 ODBC 以便将其连接到 MySQL.但是,当我选择 ODBC 和 LocalServer 并输入用户名和密码时,出现错误消息并显示 Logon Failed.我做对了吗?请问有什么可以帮我的吗?
I am new to Crystal Reports v10 and I'm creating reports to embed in Visual Studio 2010 forms. The database server I'm using is MySQL. I have some issues regarding to creating new connection in crystal reports. Based on what I've read, I should select the ODBC in order for me to connect it to the MySQL. However, when I select ODBC and LocalServer and enter the username and password an error message occurred and shows Logon Failed. Am I doing it right? Is there anything you could help me please?
我已经安装了 MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.1
你需要安装MySQL ODBC 连接器..从管理工具ODBC 数据源控制面板创建一个 ODBC 数据源.然后它将在 Crystal Reports 中可用.
You need to install the MySQL ODBC Connector.. Create an ODBC data source from the Administrative Tools ODBC Data sources control panel. It will then be available in Crystal Reports.
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