本文介绍了推送通知中的生产证书错误 - PushSharp的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My app was getting push notification when I used Enterprise account with following push notification certificate in production environment:

Apple 生产 iOS 推送服务


Then in order to publish my app in App store, I started using app store account, no matter what I try, apple creates production certificate in following name:

Apple 推送服务

然后从这个SO,我开始知道苹果在证书中改变了它的命名.我的问题是,我在服务器端使用 Push Sharp 并收到以下错误:

Then from this SO, I came to know that Apple has changed its naming in certificate. My issue is, I am using Push Sharp in server side and getting below error:



Both the solution given in that not working.

我将 Push Sharp 从 2.2 更新到 3.0 beta,遇到了很多编译错误,甚至 PushSharp 类本身也不存在,然后尝试了该线程中的另一个解决方案.

I updated Push Sharp from 2.2 to 3.0 beta, got many compile errors, even PushSharp class itself doesn't exist, then tried another solution from that thread.


Downloaded PushSharp from this and recompiled it by removing production line, still getting same error. Also that solution was not clear that much, I am not sure whether to comment certificate check line or what, I tried all but no luck



您可以开始使用新的 PushSharp 3.0.1 稳定版,它真的很简单也很棒.

You can start using the new PushSharp 3.0.1 stable version it's really simple and awesome.

首先,您应该转到并删除所有与 pushsharp 2 相关的 dll:

First you should goto and remove all the pushsharp 2 related dlls:

  • PushSharp.Core
  • PushSharp.Apple
  • PushSharp.Android


  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll(它会产生冲突,我会解释)

然后转到您的项目并打开 nuget 管理器,然后搜索 PushSharp 3 的最新稳定版本并下载它.

Then goto your project and open nuget manager then search for latest stable version of PushSharp 3 nd download it.

现在您应该使用新的 Pushsharp 3 API,它几乎没有什么不同,但更简单:

Now you should use a new Pushsharp 3 APIs it's little different but more simpler so:


First create a class that contains all the brokers you want:

    public class AppPushBrokers
    public ApnsServiceBroker Apns { get; set; }
    public GcmServiceBroker Gcm { get; set; }
    public WnsServiceBroker wsb { get; set; }



Then on you business logic / Controller / ViewModel etc. you will need to write your PushNotification Business:

     public class NewPushHandler
        #region  Constants
        public const string ANDROID_SENDER_AUTH_TOKEN = "xxxx";
        public const string WINDOWS_PACKAGE_NAME = "yyyy";
        public const string WINDOWS_PACKAGE_SECURITY_IDENTIFIER = "zzzz";
        public const string WINDOWS_CLIENT_SECRET = "hhhh";
        public const string APPLE_APP_NAME = "yourappname";
        public const string APPLE_PUSH_CERT_PASS = "applecertpass";

        #region Private members

        bool useProductionCertificate;
        string appleCertificateType;
        String appleCertName;
        String appleCertPath;
        byte[] appCertData;

        // logger
        ILogger logger;

        // Config (1- Define Config for each platform)
        ApnsConfiguration apnsConfig;
        GcmConfiguration gcmConfig;
        WnsConfiguration wnsConfig;


        #region Constructor
        public NewPushHandler()
            // Initialize
            useProductionCertificate = true; // you can set it dynamically from config
            appleCertificateType = useProductionCertificate == true ? "production.p12" : "development.p12";
            appleCertName = APPLE_APP_NAME + "-" + appleCertificateType;
            appleCertPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Crt", appleCertName); // for web you should use HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(
            appCertData = File.ReadAllBytes(appleCertPath);
            var appleServerEnv = ApnsConfiguration.ApnsServerEnvironment.Production;
            logger = LoggerHandler.CreateInstance();

            // 2- Initialize Config
            apnsConfig = new ApnsConfiguration(appleServerEnv, appCertData, APPLE_PUSH_CERT_PASS);
            gcmConfig = new GcmConfiguration(ANDROID_SENDER_AUTH_TOKEN);


        #region Private Methods


        #region Public Methods

        public void SendNotificationToAll(string msg)
// 3- Create a broker dictionary
            var apps = new Dictionary<string, AppPushBrokers> { {"com.app.yourapp",
         new AppPushBrokers {
            Apns = new ApnsServiceBroker (apnsConfig),
            Gcm = new GcmServiceBroker (gcmConfig),
            wsb = new WnsServiceBroker(wnsConfig)

            #region Wire Up Events
// 4- events to fires onNotification sent or failure for each platform
            #region Android

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Gcm.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) =>

               aggregateEx.Handle(ex =>

                   // See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
                   if (ex is GcmConnectionException)
                       // Something failed while connecting (maybe bad cert?)
                       Console.WriteLine("Notification Failed (Bad APNS Connection)!");
                       Console.WriteLine("Notification Failed (Unknown Reason)!");

                   // Mark it as handled
                   return true;

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Gcm.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) =>
                //log success here or do what ever you want

            #region Apple
            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Apns.OnNotificationFailed += (notification, aggregateEx) =>

                aggregateEx.Handle(ex =>

                    // See what kind of exception it was to further diagnose
                    if (ex is ApnsNotificationException)
                        var apnsEx = ex as ApnsNotificationException;

                        // Deal with the failed notification
                        var n = apnsEx.Notification;
                        logger.Error("Notification Failed: ID={n.Identifier}, Code={apnsEx.ErrorStatusCode}");

                    else if (ex is ApnsConnectionException)
                        // Something failed while connecting (maybe bad cert?)
                        logger.Error("Notification Failed (Bad APNS Connection)!");

                        logger.Error("Notification Failed (Unknown Reason)!");


                    // Mark it as handled
                    return true;

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Apns.OnNotificationSucceeded += (notification) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Notification Sent!");



            #region Prepare Notification

// 5- prepare the json msg for android and ios and any platform you want
            string notificationMsg = msg;
            string jsonMessage = @"{""message"":""" + notificationMsg +

            string appleJsonFormat = "{\"aps\": {\"alert\":" + '"' + notificationMsg + '"' + ",\"sound\": \"default\"}}";


            #region Start Send Notifications
// 6- start sending

            #region Queue a notification to send
// 7- Queue messages

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Gcm.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification
// You can get this from database in real life scenarios
                RegistrationIds = new List<string> {
                Data = JObject.Parse(jsonMessage),
                Notification = JObject.Parse(jsonMessage)

            apps["com.app.yourapp"].Apns.QueueNotification(new ApnsNotification
                DeviceToken = "iiiiiii",
                Payload = JObject.Parse(appleJsonFormat)



            #region Stop Sending Notifications
            //8- Stop the broker, wait for it to finish
            // This isn't done after every message, but after you're
            // done with the broker




特别是当您使用 IIS 时,有时您会发现与 IOS 证书相关的异常和最常见的异常:

Some times specially when you works with IIS you can find an exceptions related to IOS certificate and the most common one:


这是由于多种原因造成的,例如您的应用程序池用户权限或安装在用户帐户而不是本地计算机上的证书,因此请尝试禁用来自 iis 的模拟身份验证并检查它是否真的有用Apple PushNotification 和 IIS

This was due to many reasons for example your app pool user privilege or the certificate installed on the user account instead of local machine so try to disable the impersonation authentication from iis also check that it's really helpful Apple PushNotification and IIS

这篇关于推送通知中的生产证书错误 - PushSharp的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 14:15