If 'Test' is an ordinary class, is there any difference between:
Test* test = new Test;
Test* test = new Test();
Let's get pedantic, because there are differences that can actually affect your code's behavior. Much of the following is taken from comments made to an "Old New Thing" article.
有时new运算符返回的内存会被初始化,有时则不会,取决于你新建的类型是否为POD(纯旧数据),或者它是包含 POD 成员并使用编译器生成的默认构造函数的类.
Sometimes the memory returned by the new operator will be initialized, and sometimes it won't depending on whether the type you're newing up is a POD (plain old data), or if it's a class that contains POD members and is using a compiler-generated default constructor.
- 在 C++1998 中有两种类型的初始化:零和默认
- 在 C++2003 中,添加了第三种类型的初始化,即值初始化.
struct A { int m; }; // POD
struct B { ~B(); int m; }; // non-POD, compiler generated default ctor
struct C { C() : m() {}; ~C(); int m; }; // non-POD, default-initialising m
在 C++98 编译器中,应该发生以下情况:
In a C++98 compiler, the following should occur:
new A
- 不确定值new A()
- 零初始化
new A
- indeterminate valuenew A()
- zero-initialize
new B
- 默认构造(B::m 未初始化)
new B
- default construct (B::m is uninitialized)
new B()
- 默认构造(B::m 未初始化)
new B()
- default construct (B::m is uninitialized)
new C
- 默认构造(C::m 为零初始化)
new C
- default construct (C::m is zero-initialized)
在符合 C++03 的编译器中,事情应该是这样的:
In a C++03 conformant compiler, things should work like so:
new A
- 不确定值new A()
- 值初始化 A,因为它是一个 POD,所以它是零初始化.
new A
- indeterminate valuenew A()
- value-initialize A, which is zero-initialization since it's a POD.
new B
- 默认初始化(使 B::m 未初始化)
new B
- default-initializes (leaves B::m uninitialized)
new B()
- 值初始化 B,它对所有字段进行零初始化,因为它的默认构造函数是编译器生成的,而不是用户定义的.
new B()
- value-initializes B which zero-initializes all fields since its default ctor is compiler generated as opposed to user-defined.
new C
- 默认初始化 C,它调用默认的构造函数.
new C
- default-initializes C, which calls the default ctor.
所以在所有版本的 C++ 中,new A
和 new A()
之间是有区别的,因为 A 是一个 POD.
So in all versions of C++ there's a difference between new A
and new A()
because A is a POD.
对于 new B()
的情况,C++98 和 C++03 之间的行为存在差异.
And there's a difference in behavior between C++98 and C++03 for the case new B()
这是 C++ 尘土飞扬的角落之一,可以让您发疯.在构造对象时,有时您需要/需要括号,有时您绝对不能拥有它们,有时则无关紧要.
This is one of the dusty corners of C++ that can drive you crazy. When constructing an object, sometimes you want/need the parens, sometimes you absolutely cannot have them, and sometimes it doesn't matter.
这篇关于类型名称后面的括号与 new 有区别吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!