那么,将这些日期与正确的分组值相加的最简单的方法(就最 tidyverse而言)?
Given a data.frame that contains a time series and one or ore grouping fields. So we have several time series - one for each grouping combination.But some dates are missing.So, what's the easiest (in terms of the most "tidyverse way") of adding these dates with the right grouping values?
Normally I would say I generate a data.frame with all dates and do a full_join with my time series. But now we have to do it for each combination of grouping values -- and fill in the grouping values.
First I create a data.frame with missing values:
# Time series should run vom 2017-01-01 til 2017-01-10
date <- data.frame(date = seq.Date(from=ymd("2017-01-01"), to=ymd("2017-01-10"), by="days"), v = 1)
# Two grouping dimensions
d1 <- data.frame(d1 = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), v = 1)
d2 <- data.frame(d2 = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), v = 1)
# Generate the data.frame
df <- full_join(date, full_join(d1, d2)) %>%
select(date, d1, d2)
# and ad to value columns
df$v1 <- runif(200)
df$v2 <- runif(200)
# group by the dimension columns
df <- df %>%
group_by(d1, d2)
# create missing dates
df.missing <- df %>%
filter(v1 <= 0.8)
# So now 2017-01-01 and 2017-01-10, A, 5 are missing now
df.missing %>%
filter(d1 == "A" & d2 == 5)
# A tibble: 8 x 5
# Groups: d1, d2 [1]
date d1 d2 v1 v2
<date> <fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2017-01-02 A 5 0.21879954 0.1335497
2 2017-01-03 A 5 0.32977018 0.9802127
3 2017-01-04 A 5 0.23902573 0.1206089
4 2017-01-05 A 5 0.19617465 0.7378315
5 2017-01-06 A 5 0.13373890 0.9493668
6 2017-01-07 A 5 0.48613541 0.3392834
7 2017-01-08 A 5 0.35698708 0.3696965
8 2017-01-09 A 5 0.08498474 0.8354756
So to add the missing dates I generate a data.frame with all dates:
start <- min(df.missing$date)
end <- max(df.missing$date)
all.dates <- data.frame(date=seq.Date(start, end, by="day"))
No I want to do something like (remember: df.missing is group_by(d1, d2))
df.missing %>%
So let's define my_join():
my_join <- function(data) {
# get value of both dimensions
d1.set <- data$d1[[1]]
d2.set <- data$d2[[1]]
tmp <- full_join(data, all.dates) %>%
# First we need to ungroup. Otherwise we can't change d1 and d2 because they are grouping variables
ungroup() %>%
d1 = d1.set,
d2 = d2.set
) %>%
group_by(d1, d2)
现在我们可以为每种组合调用my_join()并查看 A / 5
Now we can call my_join() for each combination and have a look at "A/5"
df.missing %>%
do(my_join(.)) %>%
filter(d1 == "A" & d2 == 5)
# A tibble: 10 x 5
# Groups: d1, d2 [1]
date d1 d2 v1 v2
<date> <fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2017-01-02 A 5 0.21879954 0.1335497
2 2017-01-03 A 5 0.32977018 0.9802127
3 2017-01-04 A 5 0.23902573 0.1206089
4 2017-01-05 A 5 0.19617465 0.7378315
5 2017-01-06 A 5 0.13373890 0.9493668
6 2017-01-07 A 5 0.48613541 0.3392834
7 2017-01-08 A 5 0.35698708 0.3696965
8 2017-01-09 A 5 0.08498474 0.8354756
9 2017-01-01 A 5 NA NA
10 2017-01-10 A 5 NA NA
Great! That's what we were looking for.But we need to define d1 and d2 in my_join and it feels a little bit clumsy.
So, is there any tidyverse-way of this solution?
P.S.: I've put the code into a gist: https://gist.github.com/JerryWho/1bf919ef73792569eb38f6462c6d7a8e
有一些解决此类问题的好工具。看看 。
want <- df.missing %>%
ungroup() %>%
complete(nesting(d1, d2), date = seq(min(date), max(date), by = "day"))
want %>% filter(d1 == "A" & d2 == 5)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#> d1 d2 date v1 v2
#> <fctr> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A 5 2017-01-01 NA NA
#> 2 A 5 2017-01-02 0.21879954 0.1335497
#> 3 A 5 2017-01-03 0.32977018 0.9802127
#> 4 A 5 2017-01-04 0.23902573 0.1206089
#> 5 A 5 2017-01-05 0.19617465 0.7378315
#> 6 A 5 2017-01-06 0.13373890 0.9493668
#> 7 A 5 2017-01-07 0.48613541 0.3392834
#> 8 A 5 2017-01-08 0.35698708 0.3696965
#> 9 A 5 2017-01-09 0.08498474 0.8354756
#> 10 A 5 2017-01-10 NA NA