As far as I've been able to tell cookielib isnt thread safe; but then again the post stating so is five years old, so it might be wrong.
Nevertheless, I've been wondering - If I spawn a class like this:
class Acc:
jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
cookie = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(cookie)
headers = {}
def __init__ (self,login,password):
self.user = login
self.password = password
def login(self):
return False # Some magic, irrelevant
def fetch(self,url):
req = urllib2.Request(url,None,self.headers)
res = self.opener.open(req)
return res.read()
对于每个工作线程,它都能工作吗? (或者有更好的方法吗?)每个线程都会使用自己的帐户;因此,工人不会共享他们的cookie的事实不是问题.
for each worker thread, would it work? (or is there a better approach?) Each thread would use it's own account; so the fact that workers wouldn't share their cookies is not a problem.
您要使用 pycurl ( libcurl 的python接口).它是线程安全的,支持cookie,https等.该接口有点奇怪,但是需要一点时间来习惯.
You want to use pycurl (the python interface to libcurl). It's thread-safe, supports cookies, https, etc.. The interface is a bit strange, but it just takes a bit of getting used to.
我只使用了带有HTTPBasicAuth + SSL的pycurl,但确实找到了使用pycurl和cookie的示例此处.我相信您需要将pycurl.COOKIEFILE(第74行)和pycurl.COOKIEJAR(第82行)更新为具有唯一的名称(也许是从id(self.crl)
I've only used pycurl w/ HTTPBasicAuth + SSL, but I did find an example using pycurl and cookies here. I believe you'll need to update the pycurl.COOKIEFILE (line 74) and pycurl.COOKIEJAR (line 82) to have some unique name (maybe keying off of id(self.crl)
As I remember, you'll need to create a new pycurl.Curl()
for each request to maintain thread safety.