我想同时运行多个 Selenium 测试(在 Jenkins 服务器上).
I would like to run multiple Selenium Tests (on a Jenkins server) at the same time.
它目前一次只运行一个测试,因为 ChromeDriver 似乎通过一个特殊的端口进行通信.所以不知何故,我想我必须通过 Selenium 将某种端口设置传递给 ChromeDriver 以启动多个测试.
It currently runs only a single test at a time cause ChromeDriver seems to communicate over a special port. So somehow I guess I have to pass some kind of port settings via Selenium to the ChromeDriver to start up multiple tests.
不幸的是,Selenium 网站上没有关于该主题的内容:http://docs.seleniumhq.org/docs/04_webdriver_advanced.jsp#parallelizing-your-test-runs
The Selenium website unfortunately is empty for that topic:http://docs.seleniumhq.org/docs/04_webdriver_advanced.jsp#parallelizing-your-test-runs
在我看来,测试是在本地运行还是在 Jenkins 上运行没有区别,问题是一样的.我们需要以某种方式配置 ChromeDriver.问题是如何.
From my point of view it makes no difference if the Test runs locally or on Jenkins, the problem is the same. We need to somehow configure ChromeDriver. The question is just how.
Anybody has some ideas or pointers where to look at and what files are involved to get this done?
您要找的是 硒网格 2.
- 通过在多台机器上分发测试来扩展(并行执行)
- 从一个中心点管理多个环境,从而可以轻松地针对大量浏览器/操作系统组合运行测试.
- 允许您实施自定义挂钩以利用虚拟基础架构等,从而最大限度地减少网格的维护时间.
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