


I need to be able determine the path of the network Q drive at work for a WEBMethods project. The code that I have before is in my configuration file. I placed single character leters inside of the directories just for security reasons. I am not sure what the semi-colon is for, but I think that the double slashes are were the drive name comes to play.

问题:Windows 7计算机上是否有一种简便的方法来找出UNC在特定驱动器位置的完整路径是什么?

Question: Is there an easy way on a Windows 7 machine to find out what the full path of the UNC is for any specific drive location?




在Windows中,如果您已映射网络驱动器并且不知道它们的UNC路径,则可以启动命令提示符(开始→运行→cmd.exe ),并使用net use命令列出映射的驱动器及其UNC路径:

In Windows, if you have mapped network drives and you don't know the UNC path for them, you can start a command prompt (Start → Run → cmd.exe) and use the net use command to list your mapped drives and their UNC paths:

C:\>net use
New connections will be remembered.

Status       Local     Remote                    Network

OK           Q:        \\server1\foo             Microsoft Windows Network
OK           X:        \\server2\bar             Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.


Note that this shows the list of mapped and connected network file shares for the user context the command is run under. If you run cmd.exe under your own user account, the results shown are the network file shares for yourself. If you run cmd.exe under another user account, such as the local Administrator, you will instead see the network file shares for that user.


09-05 16:43