


I have a program with an option to enable minimizing to the taskbar's notification area. In order for this to work, I need a reliable way of detecting when the user has minimized the application.

如何在C ++应用程序中使用Windows API

How can I do that using the Windows API in a C++ application?


当用户最小化窗口时(使用标题栏上的框或通过选择最小化从系统菜单),您的应用程序将收到。该消息的 wParam 参数将包含值 SC_MINIMIZE ,其指示正在请求的系统命令的特定类型。在这种情况下,你不关心 lParam

When the user minimizes the window (either using the box on the title bar, or by selecting the "Minimize" option from the system menu), your application will receive a WM_SYSCOMMAND message. The wParam parameter of that message will contain the value SC_MINIMIZE, which indicates the particular type of system command that is being requested. In this case, you don't care about the lParam.

所以你需要设置一个消息映射侦听 WM_SYSCOMMAND 消息,并将 wParam 设置为 SC_MINIMIZE 。收到此类邮件后,您应该执行代码以最小化对任务栏通知区域的应用,并返回0(表示您已处理邮件)。

So you need to set up a message map that listens for a WM_SYSCOMMAND message with the wParam set to SC_MINIMIZE. Upon receipt of such a message, you should execute your code to minimize your application to the taskbar notification area, and return 0 (indicating that you've processed the message).

我不知道你使用的是什么GUI框架。示例代码对于不同的工具包可能看起来非常不同。这里是你可能在一个直接的Win32 C应用程序中使用:

I'm not sure what GUI framework you're using. The sample code could potentially look very different for different toolkits. Here's what you might use in a straight Win32 C application:

switch (message)
    if ((wParam & 0xFFF0) == SC_MINIMIZE)
        // shrink the application to the notification area
        // ...

        return 0;


09-05 10:42