我创建了一个新的VS 2013项目,并在Firefox浏览器中查看Default.aspx页。当我检查了网内通话它使我看到它不断作出呼吁:
这是如预期。动脉又名BrowserLink从Visual Studio中实时连接到运行您的code所有浏览器。它本质上允许的Visual Studio与每一个浏览器进行交互。
不是每个人都想要或需要有这样的功能,所以如果你要禁用它,古斯塔沃Armenta说你可以按照这里的步骤禁用它:How我可以禁用VS.NET __vwd / JS /动脉2013
I created a new VS 2013 project and viewed the default.aspx page with the Firefox browser. When I check the net calls it has made, I see it making constant calls to:
Why is it doing that?How do I stop those calls?I see an infinite number of calls made to the above URL every 6 seconds.Please help me understand this and fix this.
This is working as intended. Artery aka BrowserLink is a real-time connection from Visual Studio to all browsers running your code. It essentially allows Visual Studio to interact with every browser.
For instance if you have IE, Opera, Chrome and Firefox all running your code and you're trying to ensure cross browser correctness; instead of going to each browser and hitting f5 to refresh you can just click the browser link refresh button which will auto-refresh all of the pages for you.
Not everyone wants or needs to have this functionality so if you do want to disable it, as Gustavo Armenta said you can disable it by following the steps here: How can I disable __vwd/js/artery in VS.NET 2013
Hope this helps!
这篇关于.NET本地主机的网站始终使得到arterySignalR /民调运输= longPolling&放大器; connectionToken =通话的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!