


I'm relatively new to Promises in Javascript, but have recently fell in love with their elegance, particularly in the Bluebird library.

这可能是一个新手的问​​题,但我怎么能转换成正常同步功能异步运行?如果我举个例子,要计算的Math.random()*范围三十次平行,我究竟是如何能做到这一点与承诺(无论Q或蓝鸟) ?

This is probably a newbie question, but how could I convert a normally-synchronous function to run asynchronously? If I, for example, wanted to compute Math.random()*RANGE thirty times in-parallel, how exactly could I do that with promises (in either Q or Bluebird)?



First off, promises won't help you make code run in parallel. They are a tool for running other code when your task is done or coordinating this task with other tasks. But making your current code run in parallel with other code has nothing to do with promises.


Second off, there's little advantage (and a lot of complication) to taking a synchronous task and trying to make it work more like an asynchronous tasks unless it is so long running that it interferes with the responsiveness of other operations. Computing a set of random numbers is unlikely to be that long a running task.


If you truly want parallel execution in a browser, you would have go use WebWorkers which is the only way to create an truly independent execution thread in browser-based javascript. Other than WebWorkers, javascript in a browser is single threaded so there is no parallel execution. It is possible to execute small chunks of code on successive setTimeout() calls which will interweave your code execution with other things going on in the browser and can allow other browser tasks to remain responsive while running another long running task.

您可以看到使用处理大型阵列中的数据块的例子的setTimeout()此处Best方法来遍历数组,而不会阻塞UI 以允许其他事情的处理块之间运行英寸承诺可以被添加到这样的事情作为管理任务的完成或管理与其他工作的协调的方法,但承诺没有真正帮助您充分利用它的块工作。

You can see an example of processing a large array in chunks using setTimeout() here Best way to iterate over an array without blocking the UI to allow other things to run in between chunks of processing. Promises could be added to something like this as a method of managing the completion of the task or managing its coordination with other tasks, but promises don't actually help you make it work in chunks.


08-24 18:22