


I have to sort a large array of doubles of size 100000.


The point is that I do not want to sort the whole array but only find the largest 20000 elements in descending order.


Currently I am using selection sort. Any way to improve the performance?



100,000 is not a very large array on most modern devices. Are you sure you can't just sort all of them using a standard library sorting function?


You can avoid a full sort by using a variation of heapsort. Normally in a heapsort you build a heap of the entire data set (100,000 elements in your case). Instead, only allow the heap to grow to 20,000 elements. Keep the largest element at the top of the heap. Once the heap is full (20,000 elements), you compare each subsequent element of the data set to the top of the heap. If the next data set element is larger than the top of the heap, just skip it. If it's smaller than the top of the heap, pop the top of the heap and insert the element from the data set.


Once you've gone through the entire data set, you have a heap of the 20,000 smallest elements of the data set. You can pop them one-by-one into an array to have a sorted array.


This algorithm runs in O(N log K) time, where N is the size of the data set (100,000 in your example) and K is the number of elements you want to keep (20,000 in your example).


08-20 12:33