

对Knockout来说是完全陌生的,我正在尝试使用敲除映射插件将JSON响应从服务器映射到特定模型.模型是嵌套的,即使在嵌套模型中,我也尝试使用create回调覆盖对象构造.但是,似乎没有正确读取我的映射选项. JSON示例:

Completely new to Knockout and I am trying to map a JSON response from the server to specific models using the knockout mapping plugin. The models are nested and I'm trying to override object construction using the create callback even in the nested models. However, it doesn't appear that my mapping options are being read properly. Example JSON:

    "EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissions": [
            "EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissionId": 0,
            "Employee": "John Smith0",
            "EmployeesWorkedWith": [
                    "EmployeeName": "Joe Smith",
                    "ProjectsWorked": [
                            "ProjectName": "Document Management Console"
                            "ProjectName": "Performance Eval Automation"
                            "ProjectName": "Business Tax Extensions"
                    "EmployeeName": "Michael Jones",
                    "ProjectsWorked": [
                            "ProjectName": "Document Management Console"
                            "ProjectName": "Performance Eval Automation"
                            "ProjectName": "Business Tax Extensions"
                    "EmployeeName": "Jason Smith",
                    "ProjectsWorked": [
                            "ProjectName": "Document Management Console"
                            "ProjectName": "Performance Eval Automation"
                            "ProjectName": "Business Tax Extensions"
                    "EmployeeName": "Robert Will",
                    "ProjectsWorked": [
                            "ProjectName": "Document Management Console"
                            "ProjectName": "Performance Eval Automation"
                            "ProjectName": "Business Tax Extensions"
        // more EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissions


var mappingOptions = {
    // overriding default creation/initialization code
    'EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissions': {
        create: function (options) {
            return (new(function () {
                this.EmployeeHeading = ko.computed(function () {
                    return "Performance Evaluation Employee: " + this.Employee();
                }, this);

                ko.mapping.fromJS(options.data, {}, this);
            'EmployeesWorkedWith': {
            create: function (options) {
                return new instance.EmployeesWorkedWithModel(options.data);

使用完整示例对小提琴进行采样: http://jsfiddle.net/jeades/9ejJq/2/

Sample fiddle with full example: http://jsfiddle.net/jeades/9ejJq/2/


The result should be the ability to use the computed nameUpper from the EmployeesWorkedWithModel. I'm also open to suggestions about a better way to do this as this may not be the best way to handle this.


您快到了.直接起作用: http://jsfiddle.net/jiggle/na93A/

You were almost there. Straight to it working: http://jsfiddle.net/jiggle/na93A/


The mappings options object doesn't need to be nested, the mapping plug in will look up the mapping from the name, when you pass them to ko.mapping.fromJSON


So your mapping options object should be single level:

    var self = this;

    self.mappingOptions = {
        // overriding default creation/initialization code
        'EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissions': {
            create: function (options) {
                return (new(function () {
                    this.EmployeeHeading = ko.computed(function () {
                        return "Performance Evaluation Employee: " + this.Employee();
                    }, this);

                    ko.mapping.fromJS(options.data, self.mappingOptions, this);
        'EmployeesWorkedWith': {
                create: function (options) {
                   // return new instance.EmployeesWorkedWithModel(options);
                    return (new(function(){
                        ko.mapping.fromJS(options.data, {}, this);

                        this.nameUpper = ko.computed(function () {
                            return this.EmployeeName().toUpperCase();
                        }, this);



Notice I have used "self" as your local reference to 'this' instead of 'instance', just to make the code easier to read (as you used 'instance' in the main viewmodel).


I have also made the mappingOptions object part of the FeedbackViewModel, as we need to pass this into the mapping.fromJS call so when it sees the 'EmployeesWorkedWith' level in the data it will have the mappingOptions for it.


ko.mapping.fromJS(options.data, {}, this);


ko.mapping.fromJS(options.data, self.mappingOptions, this);


You can then move your creation code for 'EmployeesWorkedWith' level into the create (you could call a function, but I've kept it together in the mappingOptions as shown above, like the way you were creating the 'EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissions' level.


You can then get rid of the instance.EmployeesWorkedWithModel function altogether.


A working fiddle can be found here:


或者,您可以在创建"EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissions"时创建单独的mappingOptions对象,并且在一个对象中没有所有级别的映射,这可以在此提琴琴中看到 http://jsfiddle.net/jiggle/Avam7/

Alternatively, you could create separate mappingOptions object when you are in the create for 'EmployeeFeedbackRequestSubmissions' and not have the mappings for all levels in one object, which can be seen in this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/jiggle/Avam7/


Depends on your coding style which way you prefer, and would be important to separate them out if you had different mapping needs for different levels and they had the same collection name.



If so, you would use the second option (separate the mappingOptions and pass to the level that will use it)


I've added some console.log statements to the fiddles so you can see values as the code runs in the console, which will help to understand how it's working.



08-20 09:31