本文介绍了SharePoint 2016 - Office客户端打开问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


SharePoint 2010已迁移到2016年。现在用户无法打开文档库中的Excel文件。

The SharePoint 2010 has been migrated to 2016. Now the user is not able to open the excel file in the document library.


要打开此工作簿,您的计算机必须安装了Microsoft Excel版本,并且您的Web浏览器必须支持直接从浏览器中的Excel打开文件 

To open this workbook, your computer must have a version of Microsoft Excel installed and your web browser must support opening files directly from excel in browser 

用户PC同时拥有Microsoft office professional plus 2016& 2010 64位版本。

The user PC is having both Microsoft office professional plus 2016 & 2010 64 bit versions.


您是否在您的环境中安装了Office Online Server并将其连接到SharePoint场?

如果要在浏览器中打开Office文件,则需要安装该软件并将其绑定到SharePoint场:从SharePoint 2013开始,Office Web应用程序不是SharePoint的一部分再见。

Did you install Office Online Server in your environment and connect it to the SharePoint farm?
If you want to open Office files within the browser, you need to install that software and bind it to the SharePoint farm: Starting from SharePoint 2013, Office web apps are not part of SharePoint anymore.


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08-20 07:39