当我在 Google 上搜索诸如rearrange table columns in asp.net
"之类的内容时,并单击链接到 Wrox 的论坛站点,该站点向我致意,例如您的 Google搜索在 asp.net 中重新排列表格列"将您带到 Wrox 论坛...".
When I search for something such as "rearrange table columns in asp.net
" on Google, and click the link to Wrox's forum site, the site greets me with a message such as "Your Google search for 'rearrange table columns in asp.net' brought you to Wrox Forum...".
网站如何知道我在 Google 中输入了什么查询?我怎样才能在我的网站上添加这样的能力?
How does a site know what query I typed into Google? And how could I add such an ablity to my site?
服务器变量中的查询参数解析您的查询,该变量包含您来自的 URL 并且是在您的 HTTP 请求中提供.
It is parsing your query from the query parameters in the HTTP_REFERER
server variable, which contains the URL you're coming from and is provided in your HTTP request.
这篇关于网站如何知道我用来查找它的 Google 查询?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!