

有一种方法让java web应用程序通过http请求获取安装在机器上的安全证书的信息,如果在机器上安装了特定的证书,则选择性地授予访问权限。

Is there a way for a java web app to get information on the security certificates installed on one's machine via a http request and selectively grant access if a particular certifiicate is installed on the machine.


Basically the requirement is, the web application should entertain request only from a company laptop else must deny access with appropriate error text.


(These could be win laptops with certain certifcates installed on their machine or they can be from a certain set of static ips.)



Yes, this is possible using HTTPS client certificates. The exact setup and configuration depends on your application server and specific requirements, but a common scenario woul be that you create a company internal CA (certification authority) to issue the client certificates which may be restricted to specific client IP addresses and configure your application server's HTTPS connector to require a client certificate and to trust certificates issued by your own CA.


After the proper configuration has been done, the client certificate(s) is/are made available to the web application through a servlet request attribute:

X509Certificate[] certificates = (X509Certificate[])


08-04 09:04