


In my app both the app and a background task access a file and whichever opens the file first, the other one will fail.


to avoid that happening, I want to stop the background task when the user opens the app, and don't run the background if the app is already open.


How to know from background task if app is running or not? and how to stop it before app starts? thanks.


This is how I register the background task:

var result = await BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync();

var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
builder.Name = taskName;
builder.TaskEntryPoint = taskEntryPoint;

BackgroundTaskRegistration task = builder.Register();

有一个 UserNotPresent条件只有在用户不存在时才能运行.但我现在不明白这意味着用户正在使用应用程序或手机.

There is a UserNotPresent condition that specifies the task can run only if user is not present. But I don't understand by present it means user is working with the app, or with phone.


UserNotPresent 条件表示用户当前并未使用整个设备.

The UserNotPresent condition indicates that the user isn't currently using the entire device.


Is your task an in-process background task or an out-of-process background task?I would suggest using in-proc tasks to avoid difficult cross-proc communication scenarios and to simplify the structure of your projects.



For in-process tasks you can check the visibility state of the app to see if it is in the foreground. This can be done in a couple different ways:

  • 在 LeavingBackground 中将 IsInForeground 标志设置为 true,然后在 EnteredBackground 中将其设置为 false.然后,您可以检查标志以查看应用是否在前台运行.
  • 使用窗口的可见性.使用 CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Visible 或 Window.Current.Visible 将使您能够查看应用程序是否在前台、最小化或在后台无头运行.两者在前台时为真,在最小化时为假.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread() 将返回 null 并尝试访问 Window.Current 将在应用程序无头时抛出异常.


For out-of-process tasks you can communicate with the foreground app to determine whether it is present. This can be accomplished using one of the methods suggested here: Check if application is running from a background task


确保从后台任务实例的延迟被释放,然后从您的主要方法返回(对于进程外的 Run() 或进程内的 BackgroundActivated()).如果进程中没有其他东西在运行,那么它将退出.

Ensure the deferral from the background task instance is released and then just return from your primary method (either Run() for out-of-proc or BackgroundActivated() for in-proc). If there is nothing else running in the process then it will exit.


08-04 08:21