

Context是Java - 带有Hibernate和Spring的JPA。

Context is Java - JPA with Hibernate and Spring.


Let's take the scenario of two-phase commit protocol (but only with one resource):

  1. 从申请提交的查询

  1. Query to commit from application


Vote Yes/No (from database in our case)


3.1. If yes from database

3.1.1。 (在代码中进行回调) - 不是协议的一部分

3.1.1. (Make callback in code) - not part of the protocol


3.1.2. Commit to database



3.2.1 Rollback to database


What I want is a way to do the callback from 3.1.1 in code, but only when it is known that the transaction will be committed, but before is actually committed. Also, if an exception is thrown here, then the transaction should be be rolled-back.

使用 TransactionSynchronization ( *)来自Spring,允许您在交易提交/完成之前或提交/完成之后拦截交易。

Using TransactionSynchronization (*) from Spring, allows you to intercept a transaction before it is committed/completed or after it was committed/completed.

  • beforeCommit() callback表示在调用方法后仍然可以发生回滚;

  • 即使交易失败,也会调用beforeComplete()

  • afterCommit / Complete()在事务实际提交到数据库后被调用,并且无法回滚。

  • beforeCommit() callback says that a rollback can still occur after the method was called;
  • beforeComplete() is called even if transaction is failing
  • afterCommit/Complete() is called after transaction was actually committed to database and there is no way to rollback.


Now that I look it seems that what I want is another in a full two-phase commit protocol; but I'm wondering if there is a workaround in Spring. The difference is that the call done in the callback cannot be rolled back.

(*)来自Spring 4.2非常简单,只需 @TransactionalEventListener TransactionPhase 哪些很好地抽象 TransactionSynchronization

(*) from Spring 4.2 is very simple with @TransactionalEventListener and TransactionPhase which nicely abstracts TransactionSynchronization



Your case is that one of your resource is not compatible with two-phase-commit (not XA-capable). Your idea goes in the direction of the pattern described in paragraph XA and the Last Resource Gambit of http://www.javaworld.com/article/2077963/open-source-tools/distributed-transactions-in-spring--with-and-without-xa.html


The use of the last resource gambit is briefly explained in the answer of How to set up Spring Boot + Bitronix + non-XA Datasource + XA JMS Connection

顺便问一下,你的问题不是'提到你使用的事务管理器的实现(JBossTS,Bitronix JTA,Atomikos Transaction Essentials,...)。

By the way, your question doesn't mention which implementation of a transaction manager you use (JBossTS, Bitronix JTA, Atomikos Transaction Essentials, ...).


08-04 06:51