假设我在纽约,伦敦,德里,北京拥有 baremetal服务器.我的要求是在分布式环境中加入所有4台裸机服务器并运行服务在kubernetes上. 我该如何实现?
Let's say I have baremetal servers at New York, London, Del Beijing. My requirement is to join all the 4 baremetal servers in a distributed environment and run services on top of kubernetes. How do I achieve this ?
Question is too broad but here's my take with insights on a global datastore:
选项1:为每个区域设置一个K8s集群,并使它们通过服务相互通信.让每个人都与自己的数据存储区进行对话,并使用 GSLB 来路由您的流量.
Option 1: Setup a K8s cluster for each region and have them talk to each other through services. Have each talk to their own datastores, and keep data separate per region an use something like GSLB to route your traffic.
选项2.为每个区域设置一个K8s集群,并使用一个全局数据库,例如 Dynamdb Global表格, Cloud Spanner 或 CosmosDB .
Option 2. Setup a K8s cluster for each region and use a global database like Dynamdb Global Tables, Cloud Spanner or CosmosDB.
选项3.使用 Kubernetes联盟.联合不一定能解决多区域数据存储的难题,在撰写本文时,它也处于Beta版.但是,它将有助于跨多个区域管理您的Kubernetes服务.
Option 3. Use Kubernetes Federation. Federation doesn't necessarily solve the multi-region data store challenge, and it's also in Beta as of this writing. However, it will help manage your Kubernetes services across multiple regions.
Option 4. Something else, that you create on your own, fun! fun!