本文介绍了在PM Nuget中创建类文件后,在哪里刷新Visual Studio 2015?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


为了查看所有创建的类文件,在PM中创建它们后,我不得不关闭VS2015,重新打开并再次打开projetc.生成的所有新文件都在该文件中-但是在此关闭操作之前看不到它们.有没有什么刷新的方法 正在关闭VS2015?

In order to see all created class files, after creating them in PM, I had to close VS2015, reopen and open projetc again. All new files generated were there - but them can not be seen before this close-open operation. Is there any way of refresh without closing VS2015?


您能告诉我们如何在Package Manager控制台(NuGet Package Manager)窗口中创建类文件吗?

Could you tell us how do you create class files in Package Manager Console (NuGet Package Manager) window?

据我所知,NuGet软件包管理器用于管理您的项目/解决方案中的软件包.我们可以使用它为您的项目和解决方案安装和重新安装NuGet软件包.它还将帮助我们还原已安装的NuGet软件包 在项目/解决方案中.

As far as I know, the NuGet Package Manager used to manage packages in your project/solution. We could use it install and reinstall NuGet packages for your projects and solutions. It also will help us restore NuGet packages that have installed in projects/solutions.

安装软件包后,软件包中的dll将被自动引用到项目引用中,并且软件包中的内容文件也将被添加到您的项目中,这两个目录都不需要重新打开Visual Studio和项目.

And after installing packages, the dlls in package will be referenced automatically into project References and the content files in package also will be added into your project, both of them need not to re-open Visual Studio and project.

但是,如果您更改了某些NuGet程序包管理器设置,则需要再次重新打开Visual Studio,以使更改后的设置生效.因为Visual Studio在启动时会加载设置.如果已打开Visual Studio,则不会重新加载设置 还有.

But if you change some NuGet Package Manager settings, you need to reopen the Visual Studio again to let the changed settings working. Because Visual Studio loading the settings when launching. If Visual Studio has been opened, it will not reload the settings any more.


Best Regards,

这篇关于在PM Nuget中创建类文件后,在哪里刷新Visual Studio 2015?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 00:26