在我的代码中,我只有在JUnit测试中运行时才需要进行某些修复。如何判断代码是否在JUnit测试中运行?是否有类似JUnit.isRunning()== true的东西?
In my code I need to do certain fixes only when it is run inside a JUnit test. How can I find out if code is running inside a JUnit test or not? Is there something like JUnit.isRunning() == true ?
First of all, this a probably not a good idea. You should be unit testing the actual production code, not slightly different code.
如果你真的想这样做,你可以看一下堆栈跟踪,但既然你正在改变你的程序,你也可以介绍一个新的静态代码中的布尔字段 isUnitTesting
If you really want to do this, you could look at the stacktrace, but since you are changing your program for this anyway, you might just as well introduce a new static boolean field isUnitTesting
in your code, and have JUnit set this to true. Keep it simple.