Is there a way to call/load an ahk script from https. Like this one. I'd like to keep this file for public editing on github and it would be called from multiple users without the need to download it first..
UrlDownloadToFile, https://gist.github.com/gimoya/5821469/raw/034b2766bbcbe70e2a8e93b72d1ec8723351a8f8/Veg%C3%96K-Abk%C3%BCrzungen, hotstrings.ahk
if(ErrorLevel || !FileExist("hotstrings.ahk") ) {
msgbox, Download failed!
Run, hotstrings.ahk
You may want to add some check routines for the downloaded file to make sure, that it's syntactically correct and most of all not harmful. That is, you can't trust anything coming from the internet. A more secure way to apporach this would be to retrieve your hotstrings as XML or JSON and build them dynamically on your own; blindly executing downloaded code is very risky, especially when multiple users are able to edit it arbitrarily.
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